Is Duck poo as "HOT" as chicken poo? Im thinking about letting my ducks follow me into the Garden to help with critter and weed control when im working but id rather leave them out if their going to burn my plants up.
A few spots of poo from chickens won't hurt the garden. What burns is like when you take out the litter from like under the roosts and put that in the ground in high concentrations. I don't have ducks, but the problem of letting the chickens into the garden is they scratch everything up!
You can either put it in a mesh bag, say nylon stockings, or just put in a bucket and fill the bucket with water and stir once a day for about a week. This is where it is good to use the stockings, you have to strain it if you are going to use a sprayer, just spray around the plants. Or you can pour it sparingly around the plants but not too close.
Some add molasses and stir just before applying so the sugar attracts the good bacteria and feeds them and makes them multiply. that's a good thing to have.