How do I get seeds from radishes?


Garden Master
Dec 13, 2007
Reaction score
border, ID/WA(!)
Radish are easy but not every seed pod will mature seed properly, FrontierGirl. At least, they won't here - where it takes nearly from spring frost to fall frost to get a seed crop.

Have you had plants live right through the winter? If they are covered by pod, it's time to take some samples. Oh yeah, radish pods taste good!

Not what you expected my to say, right ;)? Well, just try to kinda feel your way around the plant and choose a couple of tender pods. If all the pods on the plant are tender enough to chew - you don't have a seed crop, yet.

Sample again in a couple of days. At some point, you will realize that a whole bunch of pods have gotten past their prime moment for snacking. Before they begin splitting, you want to get them somewhere they can finish their drying. It will be somewhere really open but protected from the rain/snow. After about 10 or 14 days, they are ready to be popped open and the seeds taken out.

I keep the pods, spread out on flat baskets. They dry quickly. This is usually a good, dry place for handing seed.

If you have a lot of dry pods, you can spread plastic sheeting on something like the concrete floor of a carport or garage. Walking on the dry pods will break the seeds free. If it doesn't, they haven't dried sufficiently and you need to wait a few more days. Don't be in a hurry to get the seeds in packages, either. It's good to give them a couple days to finish drying before putting them away.

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Garden Master
Feb 17, 2010
Reaction score
Seacoast NH zone 5
just leave them in the ground beyond the time of harvest and they should produce flowers on a tall hard stem and eventually those flowers will form pods with seeds. i tend to companion plant a few radish seeds in with squash and when you do that you aren't to harvest them and let them go to seed to help keep the bugs away from the squash. so getting a few radish to go to seed for me isn't hard to do.

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