How is your weather?


Deeply Rooted
Mar 21, 2009
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On the beautiful Salish Sea
I love to claim that I am impulsive... follow no rules... am a rebel in the garden ..but really everything I freaking do out there is dictated by the weather ..I have never let rain and cold stop me from working out of doors but there is a point where you can not even see because it is so crappy out that you have to come inside ..and then stay inside for a while until the weather calms down

as I was sitting here with all my doors open and coffee in hand ..I know it is time to start bringing some of the outsde inside for the fall and winter.....I wonder who else is thinking the same thing right now? how is your weather and what are you doing? are you getting relief from the heat?..finally drying out?..what is going on with you and in your garden right now? Have you had your first frost yet?

for me this is a very beautiful time of year still very nice out smells good ...a blooming garden looks like an old movie (all grays) in this kind morning lighting while the rain is pouring and there is overcast...then suddenly the sun bursts out it warms up and everything glistens for another hour or so ..then it repeats on and off all day like a light switch in the hands of a 3 year old! ..I can still sit out in the morning and have my coffee in the garden (under an umbrella or on the porch)

... in a few months I am not going to enjoy the days after days after days of rain and cold weather ..unless I make plans and figure out how to be out there with out being out there now!

the ideal someday I would like to have is my entire downstairs patio enclosed with a screen but protected from rain..and somehow heated a bit perhaps with a gas firepit .. so I can sit outside in the lower garden even in the middle of the winter

I am glad I found this board as I am hoping there are enough conversations that will not die off in the winter to keep folks like me who yearn to be out of doors from getting the blues ...

so how is your weather? any garden plans directly related to weather (like my porch enclosure plans?) how do you embrace the seasons?

anyone else going to try perpetual gardening this year?


Deeply Rooted
Jun 27, 2008
Reaction score
West Coast of Central FL- Z9
Wow a lot of questions. Lets see were to start.
High will be 91*, 40% chance of rain.

I like you fire pit idea. My Wigwam will have a cover by the time we get a frost warning. It will be a real Cover with smoke flaps and all so a fire can be kept inside. It will be a huge sewing project for my dear Wife.

"anyone else going to try perpetual gardening this year?"
Yes :tools

Hattie the Hen

Deeply Rooted
Dec 9, 2008
Reaction score
UK.-- Near Oxford
:frow HiDelight :frow

Don't worry I shall still talk to you here in the winter -- I'm not just a "fair weather "friend"-- :lol: :gig :lol: :gig

I've got plans for tackling my winter blues too but I must go & finish what I'm in the middle of outside as the sun is actually shining....!!
I'll tell you later. :lol:


:rose Hattie :rose


Chillin' In The Garden
May 10, 2009
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Central Oregon - Zone 5
I am expecting my first freeze tonight and again tomorrow - then a few more weeks of mild evenings. I am trying to figure out maximum coverage of my garden for tonight to prevent freezing. Definately the tomatos, peppers and eggplants, hopefully some squash, cukes, melons, etc. I have been wanting to do a fall garden but have not made it for this year but I will be interested in reading about yours.


Garden Master
Dec 13, 2007
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border, ID/WA(!)
HiDelight, you are an early riser on a Sunday morning. I like that, even if it is my 1 morning to sleep in. My trick this morning was to get up at 5am, because I'm not used to sleeping in, then fall asleep in the Lazy-boy for a 2 hour nap before breakfast . . .

Winters, I'm an indoor creature - I've got to admit it; I hate the cold. Heat I can tolerate well but I'm enjoying getting a little of your west coast rain this morning. In my mind's eye, it is steaming off the landscape and my shoulders, cooling. It has been wonderful to get so much heat at the end of August and 1st of September when so often, our temps begin to fall and Autumn is upon us.

Spring didn't linger until July and I figure summer will also push back the Fall for another 2 or 3 weeks. Hurray!!

As an early-riser, I'm often in the garden at 5am during the summer. Can you imagine what the flowers look like even at 5:30 now? Yeah, I bet you can . . . shades of very dark gray.

My next building project (may have to hire this one out :rolleyes:) will be a screened-in porch instead of my current roofed deck. I hate a roofed deck, all I see when I look out of 2 windows is the underside of the roof. I want a painted ceiling and a tight floor as a more comfortable transition room between indoors and out.

No, I won't have a firepit out there. But, I will have windows that can be installed against the winter cold and winds. Cabinets for storage instead of the current "stacking" against the walls of the house - yuck! Expanding the steps down to the backyard should be possible so that there's still an appropriate location for the snow shovel, etc.

I know a screened porch is an old fashioned idea but I'm getting to be an old fashioned kind of guy. And for us gardeners, I gotta say that I used to grow some very nice plant starts in a south window of a utility room that wasn't much more than a porch with windows and a baseboard heater that I set at 55F, year-around. I've got a little greenhouse but imagine what I could do with a table set into 2, 6-foot windows facing south and west :cool:!


Southern Gardener

Deeply Rooted
Nov 22, 2007
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NW Louisiana Zone 8a
Last week we had beautiful fall like weather for the south anyway! Highs were in the low 80s and the humidity stayed around 30% and it was heaven. Today the temp is inching up and the humidity is back up to 90%

Fall is definitely my favorite time of year. After months of sweltering heat and humidity I weep with relief when we get a cool front!

I planted my first fall garden (cabbage, broccoli, brussel sprouts, spinach, turnips, carrots, collards, beets) and so far its doing fantastic! :tools

When the weather gets cool and stays cool we plan to relocate the large flower bed closer to the house so we can enjoy it the butterflies were unbelievable this summer. :watering


Chillin' In The Garden
Aug 29, 2009
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Coastal NH
It's a beautiful day in New Hampshire. Sunny, and 70 degrees. There's a hint of the coming change in the air. You can feel it. I just finished moving some perennials. Thinking about where to put some bulbs... what I'm planning to do in the Spring. I'm getting the kids ready to go and pick some apples at the local orchard.

There's a great deal of beauty in these days, this time of year.

simple life

Garden Ornament
May 15, 2008
Reaction score
South Weymouth, Massachusetts
The weather is beautiful here today, I love fall in New England.
I love to go out in the morning and just breathe that fall air.
Its the perfect weather for gardening and working the beehives so I am going to do both.
I just finished cleaning the chickens coops and scrubbing their feeders and waterers so that I could spend the rest of the day doing my more enjoyable hobbies.
When I am done with that I will start a fire in the pit, put some dinner on the grill and grab a chair and watch chicken tv.
We grab a chair and sit where the chickens like to roam and watch their antics.
They all have their own personalities and ways about them that can be very endearing or very annoying. ;) but fun to watch.
My son and I sat by the hives earlier this morning to watch the bees come and go, its a relaxing way to spend time.

I don't do a whole lot to shut down shop for winter, nothing comes inside here, if it can't survive the winter it has no business in my gardens.
So, for the time being I still have veggies coming in and I planted a fall crop, when those are done I will tidy things up and close up shop.
In a month or so I will probably do my last inspection and make sure the bees are all set for wintering over.
A couple of hives even have a little honey for me so I will bottle that.
I may spread the hay from the bales that decorate my fall display over the perrenial gardens to help insulate the new plantings I added this year but that will be about it.

I love the fall and all the decorations that go with it so I just started with the mums this weekend.
I go all out with the fall decorations inside and out.
It is my favorite time of the year as far as that goes.
I heard pumpkins did not do well here for the growers because of all the rain we had so hopefully I will still be able to find some good ones. I like the more unusual varieties.

I will spend the fall evenings around the outside firepit roasting marshmallows with the kids but spend winter inside reading seed catalogs and planning my spring gardens by the fireplace inside.
Winter is when I do all the inside fixer up projects if need be so that I can spend all spring and summer outside working in the yard.

While I miss the good weather and being outside in the yard the winter is a good time to regenerate and make plans.
Around here when spring comes everything literally explodes to life at once, there will be lots of leaves to clear, soil to be turned and things to be pruned and planted as we watch the yard come to life.
The perrenial gardens will come out of hibernation with all their glorious colors and the bumblebees and honeybees will converge on them together.
I love to sit and watch them flit from flower to flower.

There will be new spring chicks pecking around the yard and the beehives will be a flurry of activity with the honeybees coming and going tucking away the pollen they waited all winter for in their honeycombs.

There is always something to be done but I love to take the time to stop and literally smell the flowers.
Doing something with the yard or animals side by side with my kids and husband is when I feel the most alive.


Deeply Rooted
Mar 21, 2009
Reaction score
On the beautiful Salish Sea
I so enjoy reading these posts :)

we had a tornado in a town not too far from here yesterday afternoon ..that just does not happen here!

Hattie I am counting on you for sure :)

if we plant enough tropicals indoors and make our indoors out of doors and visa versa ..and keep the sunshine going here ..we should all be fine!

nothing feels as good as being outside I think ..but I understand being cold Steve I hate it to!!!!! that is the reason for the fire pit!

I want to be outside but I want to be toasty warm and dry ...not cold and wet!

I was even thinking of putting heating mats under the patio floor but my husband said "your nuts" (he says that so much I think it my pet name :love ) so I shelved that idea for now but may re visit it at some point from another angle

hope you have a beautiful day ..I see blue skies now :) the air is crispy fresh
it smells like I should be outside smelling leaves burning and eating a fresh apple


Deeply Rooted
Jun 27, 2008
Reaction score
West Coast of Central FL- Z9
Happy Labor Day!

Ahh! The weather is so nice today!

Hope everyone is having a great Holiday!

Here are a few pictures that I thought would fit the occasion.




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