Is it too late to plant Blue Pink Plants in the Ground?


Deeply Rooted
Jan 16, 2012
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It's still hot here in Utah, 93 degrees today. Recently I dug up some of my prized Blue Pinks which had become leggy as shade had overtaken where I planted them initially. Because they were so weak looking, I planted them in a large pot. I thought they died there, but recently I was excited to see new growth emerge. I'm thinking I should get them in the ground in a new spot right away, if they are to put down adequate growth before the first freeze occurs, but is it too late to do so? Would I be better off taking the whole pot in the house for the winter? Last winter I took a pot of White Pinks in the house, inadvertently (well, into the unheated solarium window, that is), where they were subjected to freezing but not touced by snow or cold winds, and they survived beautifully. I don't have much space for indoor plants, however, and would rather get both of these beautiful plants into a permanent sunny spot outdoors. My only good spot is somewhat near a black walnut tree, not under its canopy, but a ways out from it. Do you think they would do okay there? Lavender and yarrow grow okay for me there?