Judgment, I want to be like Mike


Garden Master
Dec 13, 2007
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border, ID/WA(!)
4:25am, Mike is just leaving on his motorcycle. I'm fairly sure that he didn't work yesterday. I was out with the garbage can at this time . . . yep :cool:. Then, had a busy day, early & late . . . with some downtime during the mid-day heat.

I suppose the rest of this is kind of depressing but it shows where some of us old guys are. I passed a guy I once knew on the street Sunday morning. So surprised, I missed my turn but I didn't go back to say hello. I know he wouldn't have recognized me - not by sight, anyway. You need to understand, he has gone blind.

We were college students together back in the Pleistocene. I don't think he remembered that when we met again, about 25 years later. Now, it has been about another 25 years. In college, mostly I remember where he lived and visited his home once. He was waaaay out in the country. Not only would he have a horrendous commute to get to my college, he went right on by to the other university in the "University Cities" on the other side of the state line! I wondered at the wisdom of that but thought he was a military veteran and just trying to get away from his experiences.

We met again because his wife & mine became friends - 200 miles distant from our old campuses! They were pretty good friends there for awhile and then the guy and his wife had this really messy divorce! Honestly, I didn't want to have anything to do with either of them after that. I knew he was already having problems with his vision then. Sunday, he was going down a sidewalk with his white cane . . .

Last night, DW had a phone call from her cousin's wife. Turns out that her FIL is in a coma, ICU - stroke. He was kind of a friend of mine until he moved 1,000 miles away, went thru a divorce and remarried. I thought his ex-wife was great but it was mostly distance that allowed our relationship to dwindle away. Despite that, we are related by marriage and I knew that his 2nd wife had a stroke several years ago and had been on the road to recovery ever since. I've never met her and wonder how things will turn out for the old guy now that both of them have gone thru something like that. Of course, he may not be coming out of that coma. He's younger than I am and always seemed to be a healthy guy, trim, active - even looked younger than his years.


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