Miniature Roses--How long do yours last?


Garden Master
Sep 4, 2009
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East Central IL, Was Zone 6, Now...maybe Zone 5
I have had a patch of minitiature roses--I would need a book called, "Growing Roses for Dummies" to keep tea roses alive!

They have done GREAT until this year. It has been super wet this WHOLE year, since January. The roses have grown, flowered a little, and looked almost dead--one DID die on me--all of this Super Wet Summer. Usually, I get huge bushes of flowers from all but one, and that one stays small but looks healthy every year. (It didn't die.)

Any Advice? :caf


Garden Addicted
Aug 10, 2008
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Fuquay, NC
RON!!! You are amazing with roses come help here.... I am of NO help!

I'd kill one by just looking at it. ;)



Deeply Rooted
Mar 14, 2009
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I do not think there is a single one of us that has not been faced with such things. The loss of something when previously there was healthy growth and vivid blooms.

I wish there were an easy answer but the variables can oftentimes double upon themselves.

This year I lost 3 favorite mini roses, and my remainder are not looking so hot. I have not had enough rain to keep a cactus alive and so this is one variable I wished I did have. What can it be?

There is a subject that I take great interest in, a subject that some may find a bit intimidating. I would like to share this with you today, but I ask that anyone who reads this to not worry and to remain inquisitive and hopeful. My thoughts are, that most of us have had hints of this, and some of us may have actually delved into it a bit more. I do not want to cause any personal conflicts and what I say does not need to be discussed or argued over for my sake; simply think of your world as safe, think of your world as permanent, and trust that the World is in order. Trust in your foundation and never allow anyone to cause you worry or fear.

The subject I am referring to is our Sun.

A few years ago I learned that we were at the end of an 11-year solar cycle. Typically when this cycle reaches this 11th year zenith the sun is more active and prone to sunspots and solar flares. Yet this year was different than any we had recorded. Science is watching, they are aware something is different about our Sun. It is possible that they know more than they are telling us but I think that they are also telling us more than the average person can comprehend, so most of us hear the words but are unable to grasp the reality that may be before us.

This year, when the solar activity should have been quite active, has remained quiet. Almost zero sunspots have occurred. It seems the paradigm in which we knew the Sun is not fully correct. It was taught to us that the Sun is a Fusion Reactor, that it is burning its gases by way of convection from the core. This may not be correct at all. There is a new understanding that seems to reach across the Universe and that is "The Electric Universe" model. Space as we used to know it was inert, a vacuum, but no longer; now we see the Universe as being charged electrically creating plasma that strings outward from the center of the galaxy and illuminating all that is in its path. Our sun is burning, but it is burning on the surface not the interior. So the paradigms of Understanding are changing and we are beginning to see the Light! (I like this metaphor) :)

It has been known for some time that the Sun is doing something we never knew about, yet we have seen the evidence of it happening here on Earth in the past. Our Sun is beginning to switch its polarities. The polarities I speak of are the Sun's North and South Poles, it's Magnetic Poles are beginning to change.

Subsequently, Earths Magnetic Poles are shifting too, and it is proposed by top scientists that once the Sun switches, all the planets will switch too. Our magnetic North will move to a different location on Earth. When and if this occurs then shortly afterward the physical poles will move to accommodate, and it is suggested that the Earth will tilt up to a 17 degree difference. (I personally do not think anyone could predict the degree of changes, but science is going on the previous shifts, which they can determine through our ancient lava flows).

If the past is correct, and this happens again, then we too will shift polarities. When I say we, I mean us, people, humans...and of course our Animal and Plant Kingdom as well. You see, all of us are Electric Beings; our bodies are electricity and water, just as the earth is, just as all planets, and all celestial beings are.

As to what will happen, as to how it will happen, is purely subjective since this is something we have never gauged before; but, there are many avenues of thought that can be traveled upon. This is where I give it over to a Higher Power. This is where Faith, Family, and Trust come to be our guiding hand.

So, without getting too involved with speculations, I have to admit that every time I see something going on in the Garden, I ask myself to review what we are now finding out about our Universe. I cannot help but feel all of this is related. I cannot help but feel that we know when we walk outside that the Sun's reflectiveness is Brighter, that the Weather is not the same, and that things feel a bit 'off'.

I think that research and reading on subjects is a good thing, but I find that there are so many scary thoughts on the internet coming from well-meaning people, and so I try to refrain some of it and only take it with a Grain-of-Salt. There is one person, however, whom I feel is a good source of good information, and that is Michio Kaku. He is watching the Sun because he feels the indicators show that the Sun is preparing to set off what is called a CME or a Coronal Mass Ejection.

Here is the Fox New's Report on Youtube:
and then a follow-up interview

Well, perhaps this post is not appropriate material for TEG, but I do think it is related to our Gardening Efforts. Our biggest factor is our Sun, then our Weather, then Us; all of it is a factor in growing a beautiful tiny life called a Rose!




Garden Master
Sep 4, 2009
Reaction score
East Central IL, Was Zone 6, Now...maybe Zone 5
Thanks for the insight. I had heard about the lack of sunspot activity and the cycles earlier this year. Even The Farmer's Almanac published an article about this which was (obviously) written in 2008. I refused to worry about it, however. It might mean a significant change in the way we will have to approach gardening and how, worldwide, we will need to grow our food in the future.

FYI, I posted about a book you might be interested in reading,
Dirt: The Erosion of Civilizations, by Robert Montgomery. Althought the author does not address the factor of changing climate (directly) he does (Sensibly, without fear tactics) propose that we will need to address soil erosion because (1) we won't be able to grow food if we lose our soil, and (2) Many civilizations have learned about this, like ancient Israel, and their descendants forgot it. (Others, like the Mayan, never understood it and they people dispersed into the jungle after they had ravaged their soil due to overuse and burning.)

BTW, I truly believe that the Almighty will either respond favorably to our prayers about this, or bring us home a little sooner, according to his will. :hugs


Deeply Rooted
Jun 27, 2008
Reaction score
West Coast of Central FL- Z9
ducks4you thanks .

A good read also is an article from National Geographic
Sept. 2008-Vol. 214- No.3

Our Good Earth Pg. 80 "The future rests on soil.Can we protect it?"
By Charles C. Mann

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