

Garden Master
Oct 2, 2010
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White Plains NY,weekends Lagrange NY.
Do you turn on a light when you go to bed? I never did till I tripped over a sleeping dog and fell. At some point my body decided it's impossable to go though the night without a bathroom break. I now leave the hallway light on. I have always turned on the outside lights at night, living in a city just feels safer. Do you leave on a light or stumble in the dark?


Garden Master
Mar 20, 2009
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Southeast Louisiana Zone 9A
Ive got a nightlight in the hallway outside the bedroom. That was originally for guests to be able to find their way to the bathroom at night but it helps me too. I use one of those old colored bulbs from the outdated Christmas lights so I dont get a bright white glare. I know, I could buy the soft white lights but the colored lights work and Ive got a boxful of them. Call me cheap. I wont argue.

I also keep a nightlight in the guest bathroom, again a colored Christmas light bulb. Call me really cheap.

Carol Dee

Garden Master
Apr 28, 2011
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Long Grove, IA
I do the same Ridgerunner. Why buy new bulbs when you have a box of old ones that work just fine. Think of them as Mood Lighting. ;)

so lucky

Garden Master
Mar 5, 2011
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SE Missouri, Zone 6
I have a night light in the bedroom, and we leave the range hood light on in the kitchen. But I don't like lights on outside. Neighbors in front of us leave lights on all night outside. The back yard used to be dark. Then we got new neighbors whose property includes a big equipment garage that is just across the gravel road from our east side. First thing they did was put a bright dusk-to-dawn light on their west end, so it lights up practically our whole back yard. There are very few places in the yard that we can observe the night sky that we don't have a light glaring in our face. Now they have built a new house just down that road, and put up more lights behind us.

I keep whining that we need a big concrete wall in front of our house to diminish the road noise, like they have along the interstate roads in St Louis, that go through residential districts. May as well put it all around the house, maybe about 20 feet tall. Yeah, that's the ticket!


Garden Master
Sep 4, 2009
Reaction score
East Central IL, Was Zone 6, Now...maybe Zone 5
We have a nightlight in the one bathroom, right off of our bedroom. We also bought these things that are about 7" x 9" that plug in and are supposed to attract fleas. They do THAT, and they've caught several house/barn flies, too. They remind me of early 1980's cell phones! But, they do serve as good nightlights in the our bedroom and in the living room. Once I get my barn light replaced, you don't need a nightlight in the house.


Garden Master
Dec 13, 2007
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border, ID/WA(!)
Mood lighting?

I've got a night light in the bathroom but it is mainly there for guests. (He says, unconvincingly :p.)

If that bathroom had a west window, the neighbor's security light would have no trouble ILLUMINATING it anytime a breeze moves a branch in either of our yards! I tell you, I'm sick of that dang light on their garage! The thing shines in our kitchen window in a blinding fashion. If I'm out in the yard in the dark, I better have a hat bill to pull down & shade my eyes or I can't see the ground!

At one time, there was some need for security over there but that 2nd husband has taken his computers and other toys out of that garage and vamoosed! New boyfriend must travel light . . .

It could be worse. The guy across the road has had his front porch light on continuously since he moved in, must be nearly 3 years ago. That just bothers me a little - energy thing. He was by himself for quite a few months. Young guy, national guard - deployed for about 6 months with his buddies taking care of the yard/house. He's got a new girlfriend these days. I appreciate that she opens her south windows for a little solar heating ;). Their new cat likes it too.

The old guy down the road has always had one of those motion detector lights on the front of his house. People can't drive by without turning on his security light! Doesn't bother me very much here but . . . dang, if you are that worried about security - get a longer driveway!



Garden Master
Nov 16, 2011
Reaction score
Southeast VA
I have this little gizmo under the bed called a halolight. It's a flat disk - sorta like a really fat CD that has 5 or 6 little blue led lights around it's edge. It stays plugged in all the time but you can only see the light when it's dark. It's great because it only lights up the floor. Since I sleep with 3 dogs and 3 cats, it's something I won't do without anymore. And in the middle of the night, it's JUST enough light between the bed room and bath that I don't need a light in there to avoid tripping over stuff.



Garden Addicted
May 30, 2011
Reaction score
Whitefish, MT
ducks4you said:
We have a nightlight in the one bathroom, right off of our bedroom. We also bought these things that are about 7" x 9" that plug in and are supposed to attract fleas. They do THAT, and they've caught several house/barn flies, too. They remind me of early 1980's cell phones! But, they do serve as good nightlights in the our bedroom and in the living room. Once I get my barn light replaced, you don't need a nightlight in the house.
Ducks - what is the flea attractor called?? My mom desperately needs one. Or 10. They have been plagued by their dogs getting fleas CONSTANTLY in PA since she moved to her new house. I blame it on the property being farmland up until they bought it oh, 6 or 7 years ago. I figure with copious amounts of pesticides they've created a SUPERFLEA. Because her fleas are immune to everything. Its horrible, and she is very proactive with checking the dogs constantly, flea baths, sprays and drops. And spraying the house to make sure they're not establishing in the house. :/

On topic, i keep one of those salt lamps burning 24/7 in the living room. Its a very dim amber light, very pretty. And supposedly deionizes the air...but i dont know about all that! I just like it. We have a glade plug in in the bathroom that has a nightlight also, automatically turns on when it senses dark.

Outside, our garage has a motion sensor light, but it only turns on when something is in our yard or driveway very close to the house. We are right in town, but our street is very dim. The street lamp a hundred feet from our house isnt even enough light for me to feel comfortable walking to the car in the dark! I have to say we were very lucky in our location. Very quiet street, nice neighbors who mind their own biz, and fairly dark AND safe. Only 2 blocks to the highway though.

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