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  • All pictures posted to TEG are usually uploaded first to my website in their respective project pages. On those pages you will find the thumbnail on the project page but also a link from there to the larger version which may show more details. Usually what I post to TEG are the thumbnail links.
    Hmmm... comments limited to 420 characters. I am also interested in the Lazy Housewife (original strain) but will get that from SSE. ... BTW, while viewing Monte Gusto, the Vermont Bean website displays "you may also like - Fortex & Emerite"... interesting given my mention of them on the green bean thread. I grow 3/4 of the varieties they recommend, and am acquiring the 4th - it seems they have me figured out. ;-)
    I appreciate your offer of seed. I am considering Monte Gusto, since I have a special interest in pole wax beans. The description doesn't mention seed color, I have thus far avoided the many heirloom pole varieties which are white seeded (all of mine are black or bi-color black, brown, or olive green). If the pods are as long as the photo, I may grow it regardless.
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    Reactions: flowerbug
    i just noticed your comments here @Zeedman for the first time. for some reason i had not seen them before. oops. sorry. :)
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