Official TEG Poll: What is your garden style?

Official TEG Poll: What is your garden style?

  • Small Garden

    Votes: 28 31.1%
  • Urban Garden

    Votes: 21 23.3%
  • Wildlife-Friendly Garden

    Votes: 28 31.1%
  • Mediterranean Garden

    Votes: 2 2.2%
  • Contemporary Garden

    Votes: 5 5.6%
  • Formal Garden

    Votes: 4 4.4%
  • Cottage Garden

    Votes: 30 33.3%
  • Others: (Please specify)

    Votes: 33 36.7%

  • Total voters


Deeply Rooted
Dec 10, 2007
Reaction score
There are lots of garden styles out there! With the millions of garden photos or garden features that are available on the internet, your imagination is the limit when it comes to designing your garden.

So tell us, what is your garden style?

If your answer is not listed below, please choose 'Others" and discuss it below.


Garden Master
Mar 20, 2009
Reaction score
Southeast Louisiana Zone 9A
I'm not sure what some of those styles are. My garden is my hobby so a lot I grow is for the fun of growing. We eat a lot of fresh vegetables and herbs out of it plus I preserve a lot for the off months. My berries and fruit are for eating fresh and making jams and jellies. I have a couple of landscaped areas but most of my flowers and bushes are scattered around. I don't even keep all of it mowed but sometimes just cut trails to cut down on the ticks and chiggers I get. I keep the area around the house cut to cut down on the number of critters we get.

There is nothing formal about my vegetable garden, orchard, or what I call my yard. It's not totally haphazard but getting there. Maybe relaxed would be a decent description.


Deeply Rooted
Jan 9, 2016
Reaction score
Style "I want to have - where to plant ?!" But I call it beautiful, "Eclectica" or "Impromptu".


Garden Addicted
Jun 5, 2014
Reaction score
Vancouver Island B.C. Canada
Other....I could not just click on one particular style, my gardening space is small compared to a lot of you guys, it's cut up into what some would call garden rooms, I like to think I have a cottage garden but to be honest it's just eclectic.
You start out going through a gate on the right side of the house, then you have a choice go through the vine covered arch and head towards the greenhouse, the back 40 (40 steps from the back door, veggies and small fruit) and a small area with 3 raised beds (veggies). Or the other two options are go through the arch passing a bed full of perennials wedged in between a long shed (used to be the rabbit barn) and the lath house to the pergola, now through the pergola which I have to say has seen better days you can either head back towards the greenhouse, back 40 etc. or, there is a path in the middle that leads up to the garden room, on the left side of the path, two small beds with a arch covered bed in the middle set against the fence ( flowers as a rule here), a long bed on the other side (the last couple of years veggies) this long bed is backed by the long shed. At the end of the path is the garden room nestled in the back corner of our lot.
The other option is up 3 steps through the lath house where I used to house my fuchsia collection and along the path to another stacked stone raised bed (shrubs and perennials), or at the top you can also enter my garden room which is to the left of this.
Being laid up for a good part of the summer has not been kind to my garden, overgrown and weedy :( but I'm working on it s-l-o-w-ly, this getting old ain't for sissies. The one thing I do like about my garden is you can't see it all at once you have to go around corners to see the next bit. It also hides some of the weedy parts I' haven't got too yet;).

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Garden Master
Sep 4, 2009
Reaction score
East Central IL, Was Zone 6, Now...maybe Zone 5
I try lots of ideas and then decide if they work or not. I have taken advice from sources and rejected advice from sources, like the correct companion plants ideas. This year I started beets with okra, and harvested the beets around them. I put basil in with tomatoes and decided that this is the last year that I let my tomatoes sprawl. The ONLY good thing is that tomatoes hidden under the thick carpet of leaves survive several frosts. Otherwise, I'm tired of how bushy it all gets. I DO rotate my crops and I HAVE mapped my garden areas, and I am planning for my garden plots for 2017. I do NOT make permanent raised bed sides. I NOW tear them apart at the end of season, burn the worst wood and build new sides with wooden stakes to hold them up AND I use garden dirt and mulch to do the same, too. This is all trial and error. The only mystery is why my tomato and pepper crops were so lousy this year. :rant

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