Ordered my first batch of 2013 seeds!


Garden Master
Aug 22, 2012
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SW Washington
Jared77 said:
HPQ I know the feeling, I've only had 2 keeper varieties with tomatoes, that's why I wondered what's working for you. The Black Krims have inspired me to try Japanese Black Trifele to hopefully get a good black paste tomato for sauce. Id love to have a black tomato sauce vs adding a black slicing tomato to enhance the sauce.

Do you have problems with bell peppers in general or getting colored bells? I have a devil of a time getting colored bells. Doesn't seem to matter what color either. Orange or Red. Maybe yellow will have a better chance of turning? I don't know. I talked to one person at the Famers market who has LOTS of colored bell peppers for sale and he said they start them with the tomatoes even to the point of repotting them just like their tomatoes to get them big enough to color up. He said once the are transplanted they produce well its just getting them big enough so the focus is on the fruit not growth. Once I can get a greenhouse Id do the same but until then well Im kind of stuck.

I'm really tired of eating just green peppers, or having other colors that don't turn and eating them green too. I may have to breakdown and buy the biggest red bells I can find at the nursery and hope I can get some to turn. I had a few last year but it was so blazing hot here that I think factored in. I hate not having my own greenhouse.

I even tried some hybrid supposedly really early to mature reds, they were a bust too. They were red alright but never got any bigger than a habanero. They had bell shape but were mushy. Plants were small, weak and had very little in the way of leaves either.

Anyway PLEASE keep us posted on how your varieties go over, as well as customer feedback. I'm always looking for something new so I can find some more keepers and save more seeds.
So, Jared, are you hanging a HUGE stocking on the fireplace mantle so that Santa can stuff that brand spanking new greenhouse into it ?


Deeply Rooted
Apr 29, 2009
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Georgia Bound
so lucky said:
Uhh...I hate to tell you this, HPQ, but it's not even winter yet. :(
Hey, usually have some kind of seeds started on or by Christmas. Last year it was sage. This year it will be onions and ..... Make the cabin fever easier to manage.


Garden Addicted
Aug 1, 2010
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Howell Zone 5
So, Jared, are you hanging a HUGE stocking on the fireplace mantle so that Santa can stuff that brand spanking new greenhouse into it ?
ABSOLUTELY!!!!! :gig


Garden Master
Mar 20, 2011
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Trinity County Texas
Jared77 said:
HPQ I know the feeling, I've only had 2 keeper varieties with tomatoes, that's why I wondered what's working for you. The Black Krims have inspired me to try Japanese Black Trifele to hopefully get a good black paste tomato for sauce. Id love to have a black tomato sauce vs adding a black slicing tomato to enhance the sauce.

Do you have problems with bell peppers in general or getting colored bells? I have a devil of a time getting colored bells. Doesn't seem to matter what color either. Orange or Red. Maybe yellow will have a better chance of turning? I don't know. I talked to one person at the Famers market who has LOTS of colored bell peppers for sale and he said they start them with the tomatoes even to the point of repotting them just like their tomatoes to get them big enough to color up. He said once the are transplanted they produce well its just getting them big enough so the focus is on the fruit not growth. Once I can get a greenhouse Id do the same but until then well Im kind of stuck.

I'm really tired of eating just green peppers, or having other colors that don't turn and eating them green too. I may have to breakdown and buy the biggest red bells I can find at the nursery and hope I can get some to turn. I had a few last year but it was so blazing hot here that I think factored in. I hate not having my own greenhouse.

I even tried some hybrid supposedly really early to mature reds, they were a bust too. They were red alright but never got any bigger than a habanero. They had bell shape but were mushy. Plants were small, weak and had very little in the way of leaves either.

Anyway PLEASE keep us posted on how your varieties go over, as well as customer feedback. I'm always looking for something new so I can find some more keepers and save more seeds.
I bought 3 plants at the store this spring. 1 red, 1 yellow, 1 orange. It was like watching oil based paint dry. Plus I had the added feature of DH wanting to EAT them before they turned colors! Right now they are tucked away in my redneck greenhouse and still slowly p.......r......o.....u.......d......o......u.....c.....i.....n......g........


Deeply Rooted
Jan 4, 2012
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Central MN, Zone 3/4 Border
I have only ever had one pepper turn red for me- and when I cut it open it was moldy. Those were Red Chinese Giants. I usually can't get them to turn at all. The only ones that have worked for my customers is the white bells and the purple bells. But they all do container gardening right up by their house. I'm going to try that this year and see what happens with a plant or two.

As far as customer service goes, you guys HAVE TO TRY Pepper Joe's and Penny's Tomates. My seeds came lickity split and they sent me a ton of free packets of seeds that I had never heard of (except the Serranos). Their prices are a little bit higher, but I love their story/practices and shipping is cheaper. They are also super friendly and I have read good review on their products. I also enjoy ordering from Totally Tomatoes. Decent prices and good variety and also send some free seeds. Now I wish I wouldn't keep ordering from Burpee because their prices are SO HIGH! But, they usually have a couple things I can't find elsewhere. And they don't include any free packets of seeds.

Smart Red

Garden Master
Jan 10, 2012
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South-est, central-est Wisconsin
I keep trying to look the other way when DH brings in the garden catalogs. I've saved or already ordered almost all of what I expect to plant this spring. Everything except the heirloom Dragon Carrot which was not available from my order source.

Everyone in the family loved the red carrots, but I 'forgot' to save some for seed. I'm hoping I can find them locally - I did my first year - and not need to do mail order.

I would need lots more garden room and a dozen helpers to grow everything that catches my eye. "Lord, give me garden restraint. This I pray."

Love, Smart Red


Garden Addicted
Aug 1, 2010
Reaction score
Howell Zone 5
The only time I've ever had them turn for me was this past summer (2012), and I think its because it was so danged hot for so long. I can't remember the varieties off the top of my head. When I talked to one of the growers at the nursery they say they stock them because people want them, just like watermelons but often times its a toss up whether or not we'll get anything. Although in 2012 I swore I had tomatoes turn overnight and cucumbers that exploded like zucchini which never happens here in Michigan. :hu I had a total of 2 red ones and 1 orange one turn and that was it. I had a good crop of California bells so I just let the potential colored peppers sit and see what would happen. I won't lie I did a pretty big happy dance when I found my first red one though. I keep trying though inspite of my very pathetic results.

I did have so many pickling cucumbers though my daughter and I would take over a gallon buckets worth of overripe cucumbers every week from june till frost for my neighbors hens and rabbits to feast on.

Im thinking of trying to find a slightly smaller bell pepper maybe next year to see if I can't get them to turn any sooner so they are not putting so much into growing the pepper and then turning. I don't know if it will work or not but its worth a try considering what I've been getting. I tried some Antohni romanian sweets and they really lacked flavor. Gave them 2 seasons and I'm done with them.

I may even try these http://www.territorialseed.com/product/1056 and http://www.territorialseed.com/product/1057 and http://www.territorialseed.com/product/1058 and see what I can get. They would be great for shish kebabs skewered whole, or even roasted which may lessen the sting of another poor crop of larger colored bell peppers. HPQ they are supposed to be really prolific and I would think they could be something unique to sell to your customers. Just a thought.

Wild Boar Farms http://wildboarfarms.com/ has some really wild strains of tomatoes that have been getting lots of good reviews. Lots of interesting breeding projects they have going on there. Came across them via heirloomtomatoplants.com I've never dealt with them but at least its another resource to look into.

Definately going to look at Pepper Joes and Penny's Tomatoes

Smart Red

Garden Master
Jan 10, 2012
Reaction score
South-est, central-est Wisconsin
Wisconsin is pretty much out of the pepper growing area. While my green bells do really well, the only peppers that I've had nicely turn for me were chocolate bell peppers. They turned a purple color but kept the crisp texture. Granted I did get a few orange and red bells turn this year, but with the heat and dry I wouldn't expect it to happen often.

Hot peppers do turn colors in time fo picking, though.

Love, Smart Red


Garden Addicted
Aug 1, 2010
Reaction score
Howell Zone 5
What did you think of the chocolate bells? Flavor? Would you grow them again?

Smart Red

Garden Master
Jan 10, 2012
Reaction score
South-est, central-est Wisconsin
I used them in cooked dishes. I like the added color in salads as well. They don't go overly well with most of my family, my g-daughter is pretty much the only one who eats/likes raw peppers.

Yes, I would grow them again. I think I still have some seeds.

Love, Smart Red

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