

Garden Master
Dec 13, 2007
Reaction score
border, ID/WA(!)
I thought that since confession is good for the soul (LOL), we might talk about rituals.

Some of us are religious and I'm not really talking about that. We are gardeners or hope-to-be gardeners. We can talk about garden rituals and not-garden rituals, since this is the random forum ;).

Here is a garden ritual for me: I grow lots of seedlings in late winter and early spring. Far more seedlings than I can do anything with. They are what we called in the greenhouse, "weak sisters" in almost every packet of seed. I imagine that on every seed stalk there are mature and slightly immature seeds. Immature seeds may germinate but they may have little strength. You've got room for 10 plants. There are 12 seedlings. (This subject is already making me sad :/.) What are you gonna do with the weak sisters????? I conscientiously ~ down to the last speck of green in the starter mix ~ put those in the compost. They are NOT ignored, trashed, carelessly tossed. They go to the betterment of the garden. (It goes the same way for thinned-out plants in the garden.)

NOW - deep breath - it will be easier to talk about my anti-ritual! Yes, it has nothing to do with gardening. You know how you might brush your hair as soon as you get out of bed in the morning. You don't need to do that . . .

I have the most uncontrollable hair in the world! Still, if I'm up 2 hours before anyone else - if you just allow gravity to work its miracle - your hair will return to some simbalance of the way it was combed after the last time it was washed. Yes!



edited to correct my theres & theirs. still haven't dun anything with my hairs


Garden Master
Feb 17, 2010
Reaction score
Seacoast NH zone 5
in my case. the knots won't come out of my hair if i just let gravity play its part. on weekends though there really is no sort of ritual i go through other than brushing hair and going out to check chickes. i may sit out there with them after i get their food and water filled up, usually just to check a few over and bond with them which isn't too difficult for some of them. walk by the garden to pull a few weeds or check for ripe stuff. just meander through the yard and check for things that need to be picked up or pulled.