Things I added to my compost today thread


Garden Master
Nov 16, 2011
Reaction score
Southeast VA
Gnome_Czech said:
When we people eat eggs, I squash the shells and put them in the pile. Last time my neighbor put his green waste out for pick up, I emptied it into my pile - I cannot believe ANYONE would ever want to get rid of avocado leaves! They are AMAZING!!! I have a lot to do this weekend for the several piles I have going:

*Empty the quail run
*empty all the k-cups from the coffee machine - this one is bittersweet because I am religious about waste and recycling, but I also love my coffee and can tell you, outside of going somewhere for breakfast, I haven't made a cup of coffee in years until I got this machine and now I am back to every day - oh black granules, I did miss you, but now my garden wont & used cups make good seed starters!!*rake out the coops from the winter straw and poo
*rake out under the rabbits

I've been digging in them the last few days for my gardening. I've got some beautiful black gold going :)
I know this is old but I wanted to add that the 'do it yourself' cups & filters are pretty common now. I got a Keurig a couple of years ago but haven't bought any of those little cups in over a year. I also use mine for ANYTHING that requires a little hot water: tea, cocoa, instant soup, mashed potatoes, adding to the dog's food, disolving jello, getting a jumpstart on thawing 'freezer soup' in the crockpot.....

eta: had a bag of old chicken crumbles that got moldy so when I was tuning Mt Rotmore I worked this into the middle - worms are gonna LOVE it.

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