This is the best time of year for serious weeding!


Deeply Rooted
Nov 23, 2007
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
I have mostly, kinda, well not really, finished building the fence across the side yard to keep the kids from crossing paths with speeding gravel trucks, so I got to spend a pleasant hour and a half or so weeding.

Which made me think, it might be worth pointing out to those relatively new to flower gardening that NOW is the very best time of the year to get that stupid grass and chickweed outta your beds, and in fact, if you do NOT continue weeding til the ground freezes up, you will sooooo regret it come springtime.

Most of the perennials and annuals will have folded up shop by now so it is much easier to get in there and see what's what. Also you can grab handfuls of grass and (wiggling, to try to get the roots) pull it up without too much fear of damaging growing perennials -- sure, you may get a shoot here or a leaf there, but big deal, they were shutting down for the winter anyhow. Also the ground is (at least in the E and NE) much more nicely damp now than it was during the summer so the weeds come out much better by their roots.

Honest. Go out there and clean yer beds out some nice day. It is pleasant, and enormously constructive :)

And because nearly all weeds continue growing well into late fall and early winter (all through the winter, in warmer climes) whereas your Official Garden Plants are dormant, well, if you do NOT take steps to keep up with the weeds, you will have a giant deeprooted mess come springtime (ask me how I know) :rolleyes:

Have fun,



Garden Ornament
Jul 14, 2008
Reaction score
WI-zone 4
Good reminder! I find I have to fight the apathy and garden-weariness that descends with the shorter days and cooler weather. You're right, though, that it is SO worth it to get some of these jobs done in fall as spring is always plenty busy.

me&thegals, wearily considering weeding this fine day ;)

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