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    keeping pickling cukes crisp..

    To re-crisp old/soft pickle cukes, try soaking them in cold water in the fridge overnight before pickling. I did this last year with ours & it worked.
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    Seed train like on BYC?

    WZ, I'll take some BOSS and offer:
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    Garden size ?

    Our veggie garden is about 25x50, plus a 4x20 'berry bed' with raspberries, strawberries, blueberries & grape starts. Not to mention several fruit trees on the other side of the yard. I can grow quite a bit for the 4 of us by companion planting & planting closer than recommended. This will feed...
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    Seed train like on BYC?

    Llama Gardner, I'll take your 'Cream of Saskatchewan' melon and offer: Beans-(green) Kentucky Blue pole (dry) Vermont Cranberry Shelling Peas-Tall Telephone aka Alderman pole Greens-Kale-Ragged Jack Spinach-Bloomsdale Savoy Squash-Sweet Dumpling Blue...
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    Hope for those in colder climates...

    I'd love to especially since I finally figured out how to post them, but I don't have batteries for the camera :he
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    Hope for those in colder climates...

    The other day I was out in the yard making a mental note of yard chores for my to do list and noticed some growth buds on the roses, blueberries & fruit trees. When I was raking some leaves I also found my tulips were coming up. Needless to say......SPRING IS COMING!!! :ya :hide I will admit...
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    Help me select a pole bean variety.

    I've grown & saved seed from the Kentucky/Blue beans for several years now & we love 'em. These are from 2009 (only pic I had), but every year they grow well past my 8ft teepee & hang over the top by atleast 2 feet. They seem to take forever to get pickable beans, but once they do I can't keep...
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    what do you grow for your livestock?

    We have two legged, feathered "pigs" :gig In my own quest to not to have to buy feed, I'm growing more of it myself but it's for us as well (or will be since it's still in the experimental stages). Such as....wheat, oats, barley, amaranth, quinoa, millet, rye, sunflower seeds, etc. The...
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    Using cut SWEET PEAS as indoor decor -- advice, please!

    I grew sweet peas outside once (about 15 years ago) and used them as cut flowers in the house. If I remember correctly, they lasted a few days & smelled heavenly. I don't remember the variety. :frow
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    Seed train like on BYC?

    algopurple...I'll take some cosmos please and offer: Shelling pea-Tall Telephone aka Alderman (pole) Green bean-Kentucky Blue (pole) Dry bean-navy vermont cranberry small red chili black Grains-German Foxtail Millet Spring Hulless Oats...
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    Would like to buy Genetically Modified Seeds for Vegetables

    When I seen this thread I was thinking Zuks is either.... 1. trying to make a funny joke 2. insighting a forum riot or 3. seriously misinformed I'd say misinformed. As Vfem says, there are no "magic" seeds that will produce what you're looking for. If you want tasty, healthy for you...
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    Seed train like on BYC?

    Tbird... :welcome ....and I'll take your Calabrese broccoli and offer...
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    Seed train like on BYC?

    I'll take the Roma tomato and offer...... Tall Telephone/Alderman shelling pea Kentucky-Blue pole green bean Vermont Cranberry dry bean Cherry tomato Nineveh tomato Birdhouse gourd Scallop squash (mix of white, green & yellow) Sugar Pie pumpkin Hubbard squash Sweet Dumpling squash Cabbage...
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    Seed train like on BYC?

    I'll take your Black Zucchini & offer....... Tall Telephone/Alderman pole shelling peas Burdock Danvers half long carrot Cabbage (ball head type) Blue Hubbard squash Sugar Pie pumpkin Nineveh Tomato Cherry Tomato Birdhouse gourd Bloomsdale spinach Yolo Wonder pepper Pablo Ancho pepper Vermont...
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    What's your favorite apple(s) and why?

    We have Gravenstein, Yellow Transparent & Red Delicious in our mini orchard in the backyard. The Gravenstein has been good for eating, sauce & baking. But my all time favorite is an unknown variety that I can't get anymore. It had nearly solid red skin, white flesh that was sweet, tangy & spicy...
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    Anyone have any for trade?

    I'm looking to round out my seed supply of things we grow to eat & have few if any of (heirloom types preferred)..... Pepperoncini Tam (?) Jalapeno (mild Jalapeno-for flavor without heat) Sugar Snap pole peas Corn (family prefers yellow variety) I have to offer in trade... Pablo Ancho pepper...
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    Seed train like on BYC?

    WZ, I'll take some Collective Farm Woman melon & offer....
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    Something New in the Veggie Garden?

    My intention of growing the grains was to see if I could & how easy or difficult it was to grow & harvest for future use for ourselves, the chickens & to increase seed supply. My idea is-why buy it if I can do it myself & ya never know when you might need something like that. As for hulless vs...
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    Something New in the Veggie Garden?

    This year I tried..... Squash--hubbard, sweet dumpling, & scallop/patty pans & all were very productive. Although I don't think I'll do hubbards again since they nearly took over. And the family isn't too fond of the scallops/patty pans, so they don't have a future here either. But I will...
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    Seed train like on BYC?

    I'll take the watermelon & offer: