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  1. C

    Can I grow pinto beans on chainlink fence?

    I just built a chainlink fence around my yard. For privacy I was wondering if I could grow pinto beans on it? Would they be too heavy for the fence?
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    Garden pond from a plastic stock tank?

    I'm wanting to build a pond in my backyard, but looking at how much a fiberglass pond shell cost is making me think there is a cheaper way. I saw a plastic stock water tank at the feed store and I bet it would work. Has anyone ever tried this? I see some people use them for above ponds, but I...
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    What month to plant garlic in zone 7

    I've been googling and can't get a straight answer! I live in north Tx in zone 7. What month do I plant garlic? Am I too late?
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    Advice using a 4 tier greenhouse.

    I've never used a greenhouse to start seeds. I bought this 5ft tall, 27" wide, 19" deep greenhouse from tractor supply. Any advice on getting started? Pros, cons ect. I was thinking of keeping the doorway open during the day facing away from the sun. Any advice would be welcome. If you think the...
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    How many cfl bulbs per shelf.

    I just bought a small 4 tier green house from tractor supply. My shelves are 27" wide 19" deep. I'm going to make my own grow lights from an old alum vent pipe. How many bulbs per shelf you think? Could I get away with 1 bulb? I'm wanting to start seeds this year.
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    Old canning pot

    I bought a canning pot from a yard sell for 5.00. The old lady told me to put a new seal on it. I ordered one and got it today. I tried putting in on and it seems like the seal may be a little big. I know I ordered the right one. Any suggestions? It's a Presto 16 qt Model7-B Mike
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    can I plant potatoes in July??

    I was wondering if I could plant those little red potatoes now?? I live in the texas panhandle zone 7 I think. Is it too late??
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    How to kill 4 o'clocks

    I am being over run by 4 o'clocks. Any advice on how to kill them?? They are a headache. The original owner of the house had them Everywhere. I mean Everywhere!! The are hard to kill. Any advice???
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    What to do with a bunch of radishes??

    Any recipe ideas? I have a bunch of radishes I need to do something with. I like eatting them by themselves. But I have way too many. Any help?
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    Compost smells like Amonia.

    I have one of those compost makers that you turn. I opened it tday and it smells lke Amonia real strong. I read that I need to add more carbon stuff like brown leaves or paper. So Do I need it to be half and half?? I'm very new to all this. Also when it is done composting can I store it in...
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    Compost maker

    I Just bought a Enviro cycle compost maker at a garge sale for 7 dollars!!!!! I'm about to start making some compost. Question though. Do i need to put it in direct sun or will a shady spot be ok??
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    Stump Out

    I have this old pine stump that I had cut down last year. It's been dead about a year now. I just put some stump out stuff. It says that it will take about 10 weeks to rot out the stump. I was wondering if I used it and maybe wet it ever so often and keep it covered with a green plastic bag...
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    Dry or fresh herbs???

    I'm getting into growing herbs. I was wondering which is better to use for teas. Fresh out of the garden, or drying them out first??
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    Braided Hibiscus

    Today I bought my mother in law a braided Hibiscus. It's pretty nice. I'm wondering how big they get? I mean it isn't gonna be a monster is it? I'm thinking about getting me a few of them. Do I have to plant them near the house?? Or will they be strong enough to not need a wind break?? Thank...
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    Planting water melon and muskmelon

    I was just wondering if I would be able to use 3'' pvc pipe instead of coffee cans?? I don't drink coffee and have no way of getting those cans. At work I can get a ton of 3'' scrap pipe. Will it work?? Have you ever used that?? Mike
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    I just bought a Rhubarb plant. Found out that they like the cold. Well I live in zone 7. The Texas panhandle and it gets hot. Is there anyway I can make it grow? Has anyone in here ever grown it in hot climates?? What do I need to do to make it work?? Mike
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    what else can I plant in containers

    I have some potaotes planted in some barrels. I have an extra barrel that I want to plant something in. What else can I plant in it besides potaotes. I already have a barrel of sweet potatoes and those big potatoes. I will have plenty potatoes!!!! Any sugestions??? Mike
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    Plastic for weed control

    Ok I am about to start a garden out in my field. The field is always covered in weeds. I was wondering if I was to lay down clear plastc. Like the kind of plastic to lay down to paint, or to put on your windows. And cut holes for my plants. Would that work?? Would the weeds grow anyways since...
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    barrels for potatoes

    I got some empty barrels that I am going to use to plant potatoes in. These barrels use to have Honcho in it. I guess it is a form of round up. Any sugestions on how to clean these barrels out?? Can i just rinse them out real good? Mike