Cottage Garden Help.... :)


Garden Addicted
Aug 10, 2008
Reaction score
Fuquay, NC
Hattie where were you while I was planning my garden last year... I rarely found a good cottage garden photo at all! ;)

Hattie the Hen

Deeply Rooted
Dec 9, 2008
Reaction score
UK.-- Near Oxford
Hi Crunchie :frow

I've found you another site; this one is a blog. so you can follow it. [ I knew I had it somewhere but I couldn't remember where I had stored it -- OLD AGE!!! :old :idunno]
It shows a real cottage garden if you scroll down a bit


robbobbin, :frow

I love cottage gardens in courtyards I've always wanted one.

In my last house I had a large cottage garden with borders that were 20ft deep& 35ft long plus a vegetable parterre, a large sot fruit cage, a large pond, herb garden & about 16 apple trees & a vast collection of roses & clematis. So I had a lot of practice at propagating plants for it.
At that time I travelled a lot, designing sets & costumes for ballet companies across the world & I used to come back laden down with packets of seeds & occasionally cuttings from friends' gardens. They often took me to visit beautiful gardens & nurseries in the various countries.
When I was working in the US I used to stay over at the end of a project & go off in a hired car exploring for 2-3 weeks! :cool:
I count myself blessed for having been able to spend my work life doing something I loved & being able to see so much & meet so many kind & wonderful people! :celebrate


wifezilla, :frow
Thank you! :rainbow-sun I hope you like this one!


vfem, :frow

I only bought my laptop at the end of last year after I really recovered from being sick. It was my present to myself for pulling through! :D

HAPPY GARDENING EVERYONE. :tools :tools :tools

:rose Hattie :rose


Chillin' In The Garden
Dec 17, 2007
Reaction score
Zone 7A
Thanks for all of those wonderful links, Hattie! So many great ideas out there...and CityChook, your gardens are beautiful!

So, I have planted a couple of things here and there, but haven't done too much yet. I do have some pictures of the area that I took the other day.

Excuse the huge mess, we had all sorts of stuff spread around as we worked! :lol:

This is the area that I'm going to fill with flowers:



And here's the other side of the walkway, which I want to be cottage garden-ish with veggies (the two wooden things are the start of a couple of trellises for limas and pole beans). Again, excuse the mess. The mess in the front is some primrose that sprang up out of nowhere (it really is a mystery--we've been here 12 years and I've never planted it!) and pumpkins that sprouted from last year's halloween decoration. :lol: I figured I'd let the pumpkins stay because there is room there and my son would enjoy it if the vines actually produced a pumpkin or two. Oh, and a couple of huge clumps of daylillies waiting to be divided....hehe.



Garden Addicted
Aug 10, 2008
Reaction score
Fuquay, NC
Crunchie said:
Thanks for all of those wonderful links, Hattie! So many great ideas out there...and CityChook, your gardens are beautiful!

So, I have planted a couple of things here and there, but haven't done too much yet. I do have some pictures of the area that I took the other day.

Excuse the huge mess, we had all sorts of stuff spread around as we worked! :lol:

This is the area that I'm going to fill with flowers:

And here's the other side of the walkway, which I want to be cottage garden-ish with veggies (the two wooden things are the start of a couple of trellises for limas and pole beans). Again, excuse the mess. The mess in the front is some primrose that sprang up out of nowhere (it really is a mystery--we've been here 12 years and I've never planted it!) and pumpkins that sprouted from last year's halloween decoration. :lol: I figured I'd let the pumpkins stay because there is room there and my son would enjoy it if the vines actually produced a pumpkin or two. Oh, and a couple of huge clumps of daylillies waiting to be divided....hehe.
Wow... nature just randomly blessed you and got you started... that is so awesome!!! I think its going to be wildly wonderful!!!

Good work so far... I know making a mess to make things nice is actually hard work that never seems to end.