Attractive To Bees
It's time for a new flock of chickens this year as the current flock is four years old. Although they are beautiful and still laying we need more production. A local farm store chain that we used to buy chicks from is now selling them for $5.49 straight run!
Since we don't need roosters I stopped at our local Co-op and was told I can get Marans for about $3.00 each sexed. I told the young man SOLD! Since the Easter Eggers would not be in until May the Marans are an excellent alternative especially at that price.
We have always wanted to try some turkeys and I just could not resist. The real goal with them is to have a hen or two and get a few eggs. The others will have a short vacation on the grill.
This is the perfect motivation for me to get the retirement coop ready for the old girls and prepare for the new arrivals!