Potatoes in 5 gallon bucket.....................


Deeply Rooted
Dec 11, 2011
Reaction score
Yadkinville NC Zone 7a
Greg R. said:
What will the ducks do for the garden? do you worry about them digging things up or do they just eat the slugs?
Your question is good.
Unfortunately my comment was based on others with gardens saying that's their slug control.
I didn't ask about the side effects.
I do need to do more research.
My chickens it's a pain to free range them when the garden going cause if I'm not watching they go to that end of the property having a great old time at my expense. LOL!
So a fence at least help that part of the free range time.
Lol!! I have the same problem and the ducks seem to help eat anything green!!! from the roots up! i put broken egg shell around my plants that helps keep the slugs down!
I do not use 5 gallon buckets for my potatoes, I use old feed sacks. They are free and the dirt that I dump out of them is recycled to the raised beds. I get about 5-10 lbs of potatoes per bag and I
can harvest just a bag at a time when I am ready I cycle plant them so that I have fresh young potatoes all summer and if I can keep from eating them all I have several months worth for the winter!!! My family goes crazy for the fresh ones!!

Greg R.

Leafing Out
Jul 22, 2009
Reaction score
Duvall Washington
I cycle plant them so that I have fresh young potatoes all summer
That is what I need to do a better job of.
Thanks for the reminder.
Funny how one knows that but then I forget about it when it's so important.

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