WARNING!!!!! My lady friends


Garden Master
Aug 22, 2012
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SW Washington
What burley man in camo would want to apply any type of phoo phoo juice when on a hunting trip ? All prey down wind would take a quick trip stage left and be gone ... :rolleyes:


Garden Master
Sep 4, 2009
Reaction score
East Central IL, Was Zone 6, Now...maybe Zone 5
You are wallowing in misery, I am so sorry. :hugs I am chemically sensitive--to the point where perfumes, cleaning products, scented products of all kinds, shampoos, laundry soap, bath products.....all make me react. I am so sorry that you had a reaction to the hair remover.
So Sorry!!! :hugs :hugs :hugs
My skin burns when I use many "hypo allergenic" skin creams!!! I even know some people who cannot use Desitin, although I can still use that AND Vasoline.
Try sunburn gel with Aloe and Lydocane. It will temporarily numb the pain and soothe the skin and everybody sells it.


Garden Addicted
Jun 15, 2013
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Hillbilly town WV
All is good now. My burns are gone for the most part now. Just looks like a rash. I will be avoiding that stuf from now on. Poor MontyJ freaked a little and wanted to take me to the ER. I told him no and he went to walmart at 6 am for cortizone cream and neosporin I applied that about 4 times a day and it helped a lot.
I had no idea that it would do that to me.

Carol Dee

Garden Master
Apr 28, 2011
Reaction score
Long Grove, IA
Glad to hear you are felling better Dew. And to back track a bit to the dryer sheet topic.... I use the Wool felted dryer balls. They work great. I should hang out more than I do but always put towels in dryer because I do not like the stiff towels. (Or jeans)

About the Product

  • CHEMICAL AND SYNTHETIC FREE- There are absolutely no chemicals or synthetic materials in HomEco wool dryer balls, They are made of 100% New Zealand Wool
  • ECO-FRIENDLY- Shortens dry time up to 30%. Saves energy by shortening the amount of time the dryer has to run to get laundry load from wet to dry by keeping clothes separated as the dryer cycle runs.
  • REUSABLE- Our wool dryer balls will last up to a thousand loads or more before needing replaced. They are made of 100% New Zealand wool and will not wear out easily.
  • HYPOALLERGENIC- Our wool dryer balls are made of 100% New Zealand Wool. They are absolutely 100% hypoallergenic with no extra ingredients, dyes, or chemicals.
  • REDUCES WRINKLES- They naturally soften clothes and reduce static. The soft fibers of the balls leave clothing feeling fluffy and wrinkle-free.
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Garden Master
Dec 7, 2009
Reaction score
San Francisco East Bay
Carol, are these in stores?

My jeans and towels only come out stiff if I hang them out to dry. They come out fine out of the dryer without using dryer sheets or fabric softener. I don't use anything on them.


Carol Dee

Garden Master
Apr 28, 2011
Reaction score
Long Grove, IA
Carol, are these in stores?

My jeans and towels only come out stiff if I hang them out to dry. They come out fine out of the dryer without using dryer sheets or fabric softener. I don't use anything on them.

I think Bed, Bath and Beyond might carry them. I Googled them. You can order them online from lots of places.


Garden Master
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
Trinity County Texas
Glad to hear you are felling better Dew. And to back track a bit to the dryer sheet topic.... I use the Wool felted dryer balls. They work great. I should hang out more than I do but always put towels in dryer because I do not like the stiff towels. (Or jeans)

About the Product

  • CHEMICAL AND SYNTHETIC FREE- There are absolutely no chemicals or synthetic materials in HomEco wool dryer balls, They are made of 100% New Zealand Wool
  • ECO-FRIENDLY- Shortens dry time up to 30%. Saves energy by shortening the amount of time the dryer has to run to get laundry load from wet to dry by keeping clothes separated as the dryer cycle runs.
  • REUSABLE- Our wool dryer balls will last up to a thousand loads or more before needing replaced. They are made of 100% New Zealand wool and will not wear out easily.
  • HYPOALLERGENIC- Our wool dryer balls are made of 100% New Zealand Wool. They are absolutely 100% hypoallergenic with no extra ingredients, dyes, or chemicals.
  • REDUCES WRINKLES- They naturally soften clothes and reduce static. The soft fibers of the balls leave clothing feeling fluffy and wrinkle-free.
View attachment 12792

So all I need to have soft static free clothes from the dryer is SHEEP BALLS??? Who knew? And to think I castrated the only two male sheeps I had.......


Garden Addicted
Mar 11, 2015
Reaction score
Northern East Texas - Zone 8a
:lol: :gig :lol: You crack me up, Baymule!

@Carol Dee, I made my own "Felted Wool Dryer Balls". I bought 4 skeins of 100% wool yarn & wrapped each one into a ball. First, they went into the wash, with a load of clothes. Then into the dryer with each subsequent load of wash. Now I have 4 tennis ball size, wool, drier balls.
NOTE: No little boy lambs were harmed in the making of my wool dryer balls! :lol:

All kidding aside. I am totally on the same page with Baymule!!! We have a condition called "Multiple Chemical Sensitivity" (MCS)

I used to sweat like crazy, especially when I was around cleaning products, including scented laundry products. One of the worst products for me is Febreeze Plug-ins. My symptoms include heart palpitations, migraines, fatigue & what I call going "brain dead". I'm forgetful & can't seem to put two words together to complete a sentence, let alone a thought.

Downey Fabric softener is another deadly chemical for me. When we lived in our condo, in PA, a neighbor used Downey in her wash. When she did, we had to shut the windows up right, to keep the stink out of our condo. Even then, the stink managed to find its way in. :eek:

One day, I was trying to explain, to her, how bad laundry fragrances were, for me, & how sick they made me. I was standing about 5 feet away from her, and was backing away trying to put some distance between us, because the Downey stink was so strong I could feel myself getting sick. All at once I realized I was going brain dead & the words I was trying to say didn't come out, rather totally unrelated words - I think I was kind of incoherent at that point. I had just told her how strong fragrances affect my brain. But, she didn't get it & when I couldn't talk right (from HER Downey) she turned around & walked away, never to talk to me again. :confused: Actually, it wasn't a huge loss, from my perspective. :smack

The chemicals in most paints turn me into a raving lunatic. They make me so angry I can't stand myself. I'm not an angry person, but years back, I learned this when I was doing some painting.

The first time I got so angry when painting, I didn't know about MCS, so didn't understand why I got so angry. Then I opened an old gallon of paint, to paint the inside of a closet. BAM!!! In zero to sixty, I went from happy to a raving lunatic. By then we knew about my MCS, and while I couldn't put 2 & 2 together, my DH did. He told me to go outside for some fresh air while he finished the job. It took a while. But, some big gulps of fresh air did a lot for helping to clear my head & I was back to happy go lucky me. :D

Home improvement stores & big box stores are hard for me to stay in very long. All the products off gassing chemicals make me sweat & feel sick. DH knows it's time to get me outta there, when I start sweating badly, my face gets red & I start talking fast, repeating myself (if I have stopped to talk to someone). He has learned that (since the chemicals stop my brain from functioning properly) I am not aware that I need to get out of the store & get a dose of fresh air to clear my brain. So, he just about grabs me by the ear & drags me out of the store. I've learned BIG gulps of fresh air helps me recover faster.

Dewdrops, I could identify with your experience with Nair! Back in the 70's I tried it & got a nasty rash. So, that was the last time I used Nair! I'm glad you are doing better.

I have since been tested for a long list of allergies, including chemicals, plant pollens & food.

Spring is the worst, for me, because I'm allergic to most tree & grass pollen. :eek:

I also tested sensitive, to a long list of foods, including all nightshade (tomatoes, potatoes, peppers :hit), wheat, rice & mushrooms. I'm actually not allergic to gluten, but since wheat has gluten, I avoid breads, desserts & most processed foods, which contain a lot of wheat. I can't eat most gluten free products, because they use potatoe & rice flours, to replace the wheat. Hops is another grain I can't have. I would love an occasional beer, but if I drink even 1/2 a beer, my face gets beet red. :mad:

All artificial sweeteners (and MSG) give me massive migraines. So, I have to avoid those. That includes sugar alcohols, like Xylitol, Sorbitol, mannitol & even the white form of Stevia!! I learned the hard way that some drugs contain artificial sweeteners. One day I read the ingredients list for a prescription I was taking for severe migraines & was shocked to see it had Splenda, one of my worst migraine triggers! No wonder my migraines weren't going away.
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