What did YOU do in your garden today :P


Garden Master
Dec 1, 2010
Reaction score
North Idaho 48th parallel
If I wasn't going to the draft horse and mule show today, I would be cleaning pens and dumping it on the bare garden beds. I still have kale going strong and am waiting for the rest of the tomatoes to start looking like they might get ripe.

Looks like another beautiful day in the works! I'm sure I'll run out of nice days to do my chores and will have to slog through them in the rain.

But I haven't had a chance to attend the show for a few years so I'm ignoring chores and going to enjoy myself. :)

so lucky

Garden Master
Mar 5, 2011
Reaction score
SE Missouri, Zone 6
I pulled up almost all of my tomato plants this week. The fact that I could pull them up easily shows that they just were weakly, scrawny plants. I had used compost (chicken manure/straw/grass/kitchen refuse), organic fertilizer, Epsom salts, and N-R-Gize on them through the growing season. There is still a volunteer out there that looks strong, with only a little leaf & stem yellowing/dying. It has medium green tomatoes on it. May be a Rutgers from last year's garden.
I still have peppers growing and ripening. I have some leaf lettuce growing. The worms ate all the newly planted mustard before I realized what was happening.
The regular pole beans are growing tough and bumpy. The Asian long beans are still producing well. Getting a few cukes. I am just watching the sweet potatoes grow. Sure hope there are some tubers under all that greenery. Herbs need to be harvested and dried again.
Since I am not fighting the sciatica anymore (thanks to the tai-chi) I am re-visiting the idea of enlarging the garden.
If I don't recover some mental energy, though, nothing will be done. I have felt myself falling into a dark funk, due to dealing with my DH's illnesses, my mom passing away, and my kids not being what I think they ought to be. (long story) Most of the time I am incredibly grateful for my life, my world and my family. But once in a while, it all seems like a stupid farce. And not worth the effort.
Anyone else in that hole right now? This is not usually my mood in the fall. Of course, I have never been in this exact position before.
I know it will pass, but it's inconvenient, to say the least. No energy to garden!


Garden Addicted
Sep 22, 2009
Reaction score
MN. Zone 4/5
@so lucky, the other day I watched a segment on the news that was on 'how to have a happier, more productive day'. THE most important thing was to get up and make your bed! HA, I laughed and don't remember what else they had to say.:lol:
I get in that funk most every Fall. Too many things to think about and get done, it seems so overwhelming and you don't want to do any of it. I do know that, as a mom there comes a time when you have to stop worrying about kids, or at least pretend to for a bit. They will make it, they might take the long hard road, but they will make it. We give them the best start that we know how, and then it's up to them to figure out where they want to be.

Eat a good breakfast and do something you WANT to do today. :hugs


Garden Master
Dec 13, 2007
Reaction score
border, ID/WA(!)
Good advice from @Lavender2 !

"This is not usually my mood in the fall. Of course, I have never been in this exact position before." That's right. And, you have been slogging through quite a lot getting here. Don't beat yourself up. That won't help.

I told a neighbor yesterday that I feel in tune with things. But, I can't hear for beans. I feel strong and have been lucky with the slow build up for the season. But, I'm seriously unbalanced ...

@so lucky , try to get yourself to that vantage point. You know, it's better to be there, than here.



Garden Master
Feb 17, 2010
Reaction score
Seacoast NH zone 5
pulled a couple ears of the glass gem corn and found i could pop off some of the kernels to set aside for seeds. pulled some more bean pods and shelled those too for bean seeds. now need to have some lunch and run out and pull the tomatoes.

later i hope to help dh with splitting some wood and get it stacked for those chilly nights we've started having. last night we got down to 38* and the house has been feeling quite cold! found both cats on me this morning trying to steal my heat when i woke up! :confused: go to turn over and they just reposition themselves on top again! :gig

so lucky

Garden Master
Mar 5, 2011
Reaction score
SE Missouri, Zone 6
Good advice from @Lavender2 !

"This is not usually my mood in the fall. Of course, I have never been in this exact position before." That's right. And, you have been slogging through quite a lot getting here. Don't beat yourself up. That won't help.

I told a neighbor yesterday that I feel in tune with things. But, I can't hear for beans. I feel strong and have been lucky with the slow build up for the season. But, I'm seriously unbalanced ...

@so lucky , try to get yourself to that vantage point. You know, it's better to be there, than here.


Haha! There always seems better than here, doesn't it?


Garden Master
Dec 13, 2007
Reaction score
border, ID/WA(!)
Here's a grass is greener notion:

I don't know why the spider mites would not move in on frost-damaged dahlias, given that some were already there before the frost. ... unless, the cold and running sprinklers on that garden did them in.

I tried to find the pests and didn't. I'm trying NOT to be a Pollyanna. Since the dahlias are miles away, there is that temptation - always. I plan on relying on my research. The alternative of spraying toxins isn't quite as bad as what might be imagined since my plan was for an organic choice.

Plan A or Plan B. Sometimes, you have to trust yourself and providence. There is a good deal of meaning behind that concept, providence.

Steve :)


Garden Master
Dec 1, 2010
Reaction score
North Idaho 48th parallel
I pulled up almost all of my tomato plants this week. The fact that I could pull them up easily shows that they just were weakly, scrawny plants. I had used compost (chicken manure/straw/grass/kitchen refuse), organic fertilizer, Epsom salts, and N-R-Gize on them through the growing season. There is still a volunteer out there that looks strong, with only a little leaf & stem yellowing/dying. It has medium green tomatoes on it. May be a Rutgers from last year's garden.
I still have peppers growing and ripening. I have some leaf lettuce growing. The worms ate all the newly planted mustard before I realized what was happening.
The regular pole beans are growing tough and bumpy. The Asian long beans are still producing well. Getting a few cukes. I am just watching the sweet potatoes grow. Sure hope there are some tubers under all that greenery. Herbs need to be harvested and dried again.
Since I am not fighting the sciatica anymore (thanks to the tai-chi) I am re-visiting the idea of enlarging the garden.
If I don't recover some mental energy, though, nothing will be done. I have felt myself falling into a dark funk, due to dealing with my DH's illnesses, my mom passing away, and my kids not being what I think they ought to be. (long story) Most of the time I am incredibly grateful for my life, my world and my family. But once in a while, it all seems like a stupid farce. And not worth the effort.
Anyone else in that hole right now? This is not usually my mood in the fall. Of course, I have never been in this exact position before.
I know it will pass, but it's inconvenient, to say the least. No energy to garden!

I think I can relate to some of what's going on with you @so lucky.
I found myself fighting apathy and having difficulty taking care of the small amount of plants I got into the veg garden this year.
Losing my parents so close together and all the pain and drama created at the end of their lives by one horrible sibling had a much deeper effect than I would have guessed. I don't have any advice other than to keep sight of the blessings that are poured down on us daily and have a thankful heart. So much easier said than done.
Here's to next years garden for both of us! :hugs


Deeply Rooted
Sep 11, 2014
Reaction score
SW Indiana
I spent all day Friday in the garden. I picked and shucked the rest of my Rainbow corn, chopped and tilled in the stalks, pulled the bean plants to be shelled for seed, picked a few tomatoes, tilled up both of those areas as well as all around my pepper plants, then I sowed Ground Hog Radish in all those areas and tilled it in.

My garden is all cover cropped and put away for the fall. I still have the 2 rows of green beans, one row of peas, and the peppers left. When The beans and peas are done, I will mow and till, but It will be too late for the radishes by then. I'll just leave the pepper plants alone since the radishes are surrounding them now.

The radishes I sowed 2 weeks ago are coming up real good.

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