How rude can people be?


Garden Ornament
Dec 8, 2014
Reaction score
Arizona, zone 9
So I live in the city, and have some rude neighbors. On one side the neighbor's are as sweet as can be, a detective with his wife, and on the other side, there is a husband, wife, and their young daughter. When we moved, (we stayed in our other house for 6 years, such a change as I had been there half my whole life) all of us had to adjust. Littler streets, smaller side yards, ect. Our 10 yr. old lab was a bit confused to. (She spent over half her life in that house too) The said neighbors never liked Kota, because to stay in shape, she runs laps in our back yard and jumps to see what's over the fence. One night, around 2 months after we left, she got riled by their other dog and started barking till, oh, around 10;00 20 ft. by her daughters window. Then, THEY CALLED THE COPS! After 2 hours of barking! I can see, but they could go over to the 4 ft. tall fence and try to hush her up before calling the police! They left a rude note on our door the next day. The daughter still sits on the fence and for fun, she bothers and riles our dog! The next instance was when the daughter asked if I could ride bikes. I said not now, I was busy, I has to pick up my friend down the street. Now she gives me the stink eye for that. Then, they were mad when we didn't bake goods for them when we were baking. (You could smell it, our back door is always open) They don't like when I garden, its 10 ft. from their yard. She hates my greenhouse, they can see the 3 inch tip of the top. The wife doesn't like my dad, since he has a trailer for work that he often parks out front, he is a professional contractor. They park in front of our house, and glare at us when we go out side. I am worried for two things. #1: I have to get their permission to get a new flock of chickens. I am so worried they will say no for payback. #2: If I get chickens, I wonder if she will try to hurt them, like some cases on here. What do you think I should do to improve relationships? (Whew, it feels so good to get this rant out!) This has been such a headache for me, I've never been though this before!


Garden Master
Jul 22, 2010
Reaction score
Mattapoisett, Massachusetts
Some people are always right and everyone else is always wrong. Why do you need permission form them for chickens? Get a few hens without a rooster to start.I would not ask. Most places let you have a few birds as pets. Roosters are what drive people crazy in close quarters. I do not believe in payback as it just makes you as bad as they are. These are the kind of people that you cannot win with. It sounds like the girl is your age. Perhaps you can try to be friends for occasional bike rides. If she likes you it could change their behavior. You do not owe nasty neighbors any food. Maybe try to get your dog some toys to keep her from annoying them. Some people have no tolerance for dogs or anything else for that matter. Some people just really ate all dogs. There isn't much you can do about that. Hope things improve.


Garden Ornament
Dec 8, 2014
Reaction score
Arizona, zone 9
I have to get permission if I have less than 80 ft. from them, and they are. She is my age, so maybe I could ask her if she wants to do something!


Garden Master
Dec 13, 2007
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border, ID/WA(!)
Oh, you might go through this again, frontiergirl53.

There are stealth chickens but that may not work. Everybody wants what they want. Some people spend a lot of time wanting to be rid of what the neighbors wanted. Dogs, cats and other livestock often are a part of what others want rid of.

Most of our residential neighborhoods are set up for workers to come home, rest, eat, sleep, and leave to go back to work the next day. There is usually a school nearby, hopefully with a year around play area. Hopefully also, a park where young people can gather and where families and friends can have picnics.

That's about it. Often there are restrictions on home businesses and it comes right down to how early you can show up with the lawnmower on Saturday mornings. Usually enforcement is complaint driven. Some people are willing to call early, some are willingly to break all the rules, some try to be easy to live near, some don't try.

I once had 35 chickens in my greenhouse one spring. The plants were on the bench and the chickens were on the floor. By the time there was a risk of them getting up on the bench and there was more need for room, the chickens went off to the freezer.

I've had less-than-35 in there several times. They went off to the coop at the appropriate time and still -- it wasn't until I began letting them out on the lawn in late afternoons that the neighbors knew I had them. That's what they said. The neighbor over my back fence said he'd lived there for 5 years and didn't know I had a little flock of laying hens during all that time.

Fences make good neighbors, the saying goes. They never stop the neighborhood tomcat. All of my neighbors, just about, have dogs. I can imagine your own dog making some trouble for your chickens, maybe not.



Chillin' In The Garden
Jan 21, 2015
Reaction score
Oakville, Ontario
So I live in the city, and have some rude neighbors. On one side the neighbor's are as sweet as can be, a detective with his wife, and on the other side, there is a husband, wife, and their young daughter. When we moved, (we stayed in our other house for 6 years, such a change as I had been there half my whole life) all of us had to adjust. Littler streets, smaller side yards, ect. Our 10 yr. old lab was a bit confused to. (She spent over half her life in that house too) The said neighbors never liked Kota, because to stay in shape, she runs laps in our back yard and jumps to see what's over the fence. One night, around 2 months after we left, she got riled by their other dog and started barking till, oh, around 10;00 20 ft. by her daughters window. Then, THEY CALLED THE COPS! After 2 hours of barking! I can see, but they could go over to the 4 ft. tall fence and try to hush her up before calling the police! They left a rude note on our door the next day. The daughter still sits on the fence and for fun, she bothers and riles our dog! The next instance was when the daughter asked if I could ride bikes. I said not now, I was busy, I has to pick up my friend down the street. Now she gives me the stink eye for that. Then, they were mad when we didn't bake goods for them when we were baking. (You could smell it, our back door is always open) They don't like when I garden, its 10 ft. from their yard. She hates my greenhouse, they can see the 3 inch tip of the top. The wife doesn't like my dad, since he has a trailer for work that he often parks out front, he is a professional contractor. They park in front of our house, and glare at us when we go out side. I am worried for two things. #1: I have to get their permission to get a new flock of chickens. I am so worried they will say no for payback. #2: If I get chickens, I wonder if she will try to hurt them, like some cases on here. What do you think I should do to improve relationships? (Whew, it feels so good to get this rant out!) This has been such a headache for me, I've never been though this before!

Maybe they did try to calm the dog and it didn't work . Did you ask?

2 hours of barking is nasty.

no,they shouldn't taunt your dog, no, they are not entitled to your food, no, they shouldn't expect you to put your life on hold for a bike ride, and no, you shouldn't expect anyone to put up with two hours of barking!

There are no nos on both sides of that fence IMHO.


Garden Master
Mar 20, 2009
Reaction score
Southeast Louisiana Zone 9A
Some dogs accept chickens as part of the pack and will defend them. Some can be taught to ignore chickens. Some dogs kill chickens or eat eggs.

If it is illegal and they are acting like that, don't get chickens. They will report you. Count on it.

I'd be upset too if a dog was barking next to my window like that. Two wrongs don't make a right. You need to control your animals. That is your responsibility.

My suggestion is with Cat. Since she is your age try to include her in something you do, preferably just the two of you at first. From your post I can't tell how long you have lived next to them, but try to get to know her and them. It may be a total failure but at least you will have made the right attempt. Be polite and respectful but don't let her run over you. That can be a challenge. If things go bad, maintain your standards and don't stoop to a level you will later be ashamed of.

Through most of my working life one of my biggest challenges was to get people that were having a disagreement to just talk to each other and listen to what the other person was saying. Not always but fairly often the problems just disappear when they actually understand what the other person is saying.

I knew a man that I did not care for
And then one day this man gave me a call
We sat and talked about things on our mind
And now this man he is a friend of mine
ArtistFriend and Lover
SongReach Out Of The Darkness


Garden Master
Jul 22, 2010
Reaction score
Mattapoisett, Massachusetts
I missed the two hour part of your story. That does change everything. However I do not think neighbors should hate you forever because of one incident. I have a lot of land and I have one neighbor that does not think 2 minutes of a dog barking is acceptable. I use a bark collar. You may think that is cruel but it does keep peace with the neighbor. I hate doing it but my dog is a spoiled brat and cannot be away from me for more than 5 minutes with out barking. She is a runner so it is not as if she can be near me when I garden. I have tried everything. So I use the collar occasionally so she can be outside to get exercise when I am busy with my grandchildren. You own your neighbors peace and quiet. If a child teases a dog and the dog bites that child your parents will get sued and lose.


Chillin' In The Garden
Jan 21, 2015
Reaction score
Oakville, Ontario
Maybe next time you bake, give them some while saying something like "I don't often have extra but today I do and thought I'd share ".

That way they get a peace offering and know it's not going to be a regular event.

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