Craigslist and Other Bargains

so lucky

Garden Master
Mar 5, 2011
Reaction score
SE Missouri, Zone 6
That would make a dandy chick brooder! Poopy butts and all! Guess who is picking up chicks tomorrow...

Finished the tractor and will baptize it tomorrow, the good Lord willing. I'm tempted to offer to help you butcher. Will work for chicken!

I'll get 2 ready to butcher CX and 7 - 2 week olds for the tractor. Then off to the races. Buddy ordered the chicks and offered to brood while I was spring breaking. Then offered 2 of his ready for table birds. For a small fee of course.

The local tractor supply store, not TSC but the place that sells tractors, said I can pick up all the shipping crates I want. Bust apart for free wood or reassemble for chicken tractors. The parrots will have company for 6 weeks. Segregated, of course.

Now some of you younger people may not remember this, how did Momma cook while watching a toddler before the child prisons were available? Sorry "play pens".

Every wonder why all the kids wore those long sacks? Momma would lift the kitchen table leg, trap the end of the sack under it and give the kid a pot to bang on. The kid couldn't get away. As long as they were making noise, all was well.

Then we invented duct tape...
I have a friend who used to tie her son to the couch leg with a "rope" made out of cloth diapers, because he was so squirrelly she couldn't get anything at all done. She would give him something to play with and he was happy there.


Garden Master
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
Trinity County Texas
@Nyboy that is a great story, so glad you made a new friend. I bet you can buy a lot of plants from the yard too.

@Carol Dee your husband is going to LOVE LOVE LOVE the front end loader! I adore my Marigold and her front end loader. What would we have done without our tractor? The FEL is going to make things so much easier for your husband. Nice tractor!

Carol Dee

Garden Master
Apr 28, 2011
Reaction score
Long Grove, IA
@Nyboy that is a great story, so glad you made a new friend. I bet you can buy a lot of plants from the yard too.

@Carol Dee your husband is going to LOVE LOVE LOVE the front end loader! I adore my Marigold and her front end loader. What would we have done without our tractor? The FEL is going to make things so much easier for your husband. Nice tractor!
Thanks Bay, he will. He has been looking for a long time. Although it is much SLOWER than his old Ford. It took him almost an hour to drive it from place of purchase to the lot. Was close to dark when he pulled in.

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