Buford T. Justice Baymule’s LGD


Garden Master
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
Trinity County Texas
Yesterday I was outside almost all day, in the rain, cold, wet and got my boot stuck in the mud and fell in it. Luckily I landed on my butt, had I done a face plant in that sheep lot of liquid poop, mud and hay, my screaming curses would have peeled bark off trees. Sheba and Sentry thought I wanted to play and hampered my efforts to get up. By the time I was standing, I was a wet muddy, goopy mess. Oh, tired too. So I just fed dogs, Buford got the day off from learning food manners. I called it a day and headed for a shower.

Today I put his pan down, took his collar to hold him back and pushed his butt down. SIT! Wait! Wait! Take it! As I released him. Then I messed with him. I rubbed his neck, head and just generally made a nuisance of my self. He was gobbling food, and barked his frustration at me. I took his pan away. Put pan down, took collar, SIT! Wait. Wait. Wait. Released collar, Take it! Repeated that a couple more times. He licked the pan clean and got lots of petting and praise.

For whatever reason, Sheba and Sentry stopped sitting and waiting until I said Take it. Probably to do with a no manners puppy, he doesn’t, why should they? :lol: So I held their pans. Their blank look’s disappeared when it became clear they weren’t getting fed, and they sat down.

When the rains stop and mud dries up a little, we will start leash training.


Garden Master
Jun 21, 2008
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I remember leash training our dog. Could hear his cries of abuse for miles. Without a leash, he would walk beside me. With, he had to go sniff everything that was 100’ away-he thought. Neighbor 1/4 mile away, thought I was killing him as I walked him there. Laughed when he saw it was just a pups displeasure of a leash.


Garden Master
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
Trinity County Texas
Yeah, leash training on a puppy already this big ought to be interesting. Patience.

Buford will be a big dog and cannot be allowed to be aggressive over his food. No barking, snarling, snapping or biting allowed. Must. Have. Manners.


Garden Master
Jun 21, 2008
Reaction score
Yeah, leash training on a puppy already this big ought to be interesting. Patience.

Buford will be a big dog and cannot be allowed to be aggressive over his food. No barking, snarling, snapping or biting allowed. Must. Have. Manners.
Agree. Ours is just a measly 90#. Probably 30# at leash training. Best dog for listening I’ve ever had. Afraid of everything except ground hogs-he believes the only good ground hog is a dead one.


Garden Master
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
Trinity County Texas
The rain stopped! Tomorrow is going to be sunny! This place is water logged.

I introduced Buford to the giant evil horse monster. I’ll say this for Buford, he’s scared but he doesn’t run. He barked at her, so I took Reina right up to the fence, talking to Buford, reaching through the wire to pet and comfort him. He licked my fingers and gave me worried eyes. I let Reina graze and kept reassuring Buford. I think he did good. But pretty sure he still is afraid of horse monsters.

Sheba came up to see what the barking was about. They “talked” through the fence, then she walked away.

When Buford is scared and I reassure him, he drops his head and wrinkles his lips in a grin. So cute!


Garden Master
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
Trinity County Texas
I went out at 7:30 this morning to feed and care for animals. NO RAIN! :ya

I’m back in now, 2 hours later, second cup of coffee. Fed sheep and horse, did eye drops on horse.

Now it’s BUFORD TIME! I put him, Senrty and Sheba, in the small holding pen at the end of the sheep chutes and working equipment. They played and ran off excess energy. I think Buford and Sheba will make a good working team. Sheba is a bit much for Sentry, with his bone structure problems, but Buford was ready to play!




Let’s go again!


Fun time is over, Mom says time to go to work. Wait, what’s THIS? You didn’t say anything about leash training !


Let’s go walking! That is a term I use with Sentry and Sheba when we walk the pasture and fence together. They both love it and “show” me around.




What is this up ahead? Hurry! Sheba and Sentry are already there! Cow monsters!


I got this Mom! I won’t let those cow monsters get you!


We had a good walk. I worked on “come” with a few tugs on the leash. With so many exciting things happening, it was hard on a puppy, but he gave me loving eyes and came to me. Sometimes it took a lot of tugs, but it was a very good first leash lesson.

Fancy, 3 week old lamb will run to me when she sees me. Unusual behavior for a new lamb, never had one do this. Even with a big bumbling puppy at my side, she still ran to me—twice! It was good for Buford as he got to sniff her a little and I didn’t let him play with her.


Very proud of Buford on his first pasture walk and leash lesson.


Garden Master
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
Trinity County Texas
Buford is coming along. He has learned to sit and semi walk on a leash. He’s pretty good with Come! He totally understands AAHHNNTTT!

After I put the sheep in the night pen in the evenings, I let him loose with Sheba and Sentry, off leash. He runs ahead, then runs back to me, licks my hand and runs off again. He LOVES the water!



Today I let him out of his pen, on the field with Sentry and Sheba for 3 hours. Then I turned out the ewes and lambs. This was test day. Would he chase the lambs when they bounced and ran? Would he chase the ewes? Bite legs or ears?

I got a lawn chair and sat out in the field. Buford did great. He was tired from his playing with Sentry and Sheba. They were stretched out in the shade, taking a nap, so he did too.

Up jumped the dogs to go bark at a truck, Buford too. He wandered back, tried to make friends with some ewes, but they ran at him, protecting their lambs. They know Sentry and Sheba, but don’t know Buford. He trailed behind them, in correct posture, head down, tail down and moving slow. That’s what a good dog does.

Buford checked in with me from time to time, getting reassurance and lots of good dog’s. He went back to the pond, the ewes were getting drinks from the pond and got defensive. Lambs ran, Buford didn’t even start to chase. He persisted in hanging out with the ewes and was finally able to walk through the flock, in the correct posture, non threatening.

I eased out of sight and sat in the truck, where he couldn’t see me. He came looking for me, wandered around and wound up taking a nap in his pen. I came in the house and took a nap too.

When I fed the dogs, Buford was so funny. Sentry is fed first, he was sitting but keeping an eye on that brat of a puppy. Buford was all excited and SITTING! Only problem was he was sitting for Sentry’s pan. I told Sentry Take It and he lost no time doing so. Sheba was sitting patiently, Buford was too. He was sitting, wiggling with excitement, showing me that he was a good boy! No Buford, not yours. I told Sheba Take It and she did.
Finally it was Buford’s turn. He was sitting, wiggling with excitement, so funny. I set his pan down, catching his collar, Wait,Wait-Take It!
Buford has learned a lot in a short time. He is a smart puppy and shows a lot of promise.

Cosmo spring garden

Garden Addicted
Aug 9, 2019
Reaction score
Zone 7B Northeast Alabama/sand mountain
Buford is coming along. He has learned to sit and semi walk on a leash. He’s pretty good with Come! He totally understands AAHHNNTTT!

After I put the sheep in the night pen in the evenings, I let him loose with Sheba and Sentry, off leash. He runs ahead, then runs back to me, licks my hand and runs off again. He LOVES the water!



Today I let him out of his pen, on the field with Sentry and Sheba for 3 hours. Then I turned out the ewes and lambs. This was test day. Would he chase the lambs when they bounced and ran? Would he chase the ewes? Bite legs or ears?

I got a lawn chair and sat out in the field. Buford did great. He was tired from his playing with Sentry and Sheba. They were stretched out in the shade, taking a nap, so he did too.

Up jumped the dogs to go bark at a truck, Buford too. He wandered back, tried to make friends with some ewes, but they ran at him, protecting their lambs. They know Sentry and Sheba, but don’t know Buford. He trailed behind them, in correct posture, head down, tail down and moving slow. That’s what a good dog does.

Buford checked in with me from time to time, getting reassurance and lots of good dog’s. He went back to the pond, the ewes were getting drinks from the pond and got defensive. Lambs ran, Buford didn’t even start to chase. He persisted in hanging out with the ewes and was finally able to walk through the flock, in the correct posture, non threatening.

I eased out of sight and sat in the truck, where he couldn’t see me. He came looking for me, wandered around and wound up taking a nap in his pen. I came in the house and took a nap too.

When I fed the dogs, Buford was so funny. Sentry is fed first, he was sitting but keeping an eye on that brat of a puppy. Buford was all excited and SITTING! Only problem was he was sitting for Sentry’s pan. I told Sentry Take It and he lost no time doing so. Sheba was sitting patiently, Buford was too. He was sitting, wiggling with excitement, showing me that he was a good boy! No Buford, not yours. I told Sheba Take It and she did.
Finally it was Buford’s turn. He was sitting, wiggling with excitement, so funny. I set his pan down, catching his collar, Wait,Wait-Take It!
Buford has learned a lot in a short time. He is a smart puppy and shows a lot of promise.
This is amazing! We are thinking about getting a LGD and we're thinking about a great Pyrenees but you are talking me in to an Anatolian. Have you had a great pyr before? Was wondering why you got anatolians instead of pyr?


Garden Master
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
Trinity County Texas
This is amazing! We are thinking about getting a LGD and we're thinking about a great Pyrenees but you are talking me in to an Anatolian. Have you had a great pyr before? Was wondering why you got anatolians instead of pyr?
GP’s were my first LGDs. Despite their tendency to roam, they are friendlier and somewhat easier to handle. If you have a lot of people coming in and out, GPS are the better option.
Anatolians are a more intense breed. They tend to be more distrustful. They have more of an attitude and you MUST be the leader or they will take over and be the boss-and that’s not good.

I started with Sentry, 1/2 Anatolian, 1/4 Akbash and 1/4 GP. Then I got Sheba, 3/4 Anatolian and 1/4 GP. Now I’ve added Buford, AKC registered Anatolian.

Go over to BYH and start reading up on LGDs. Lots of information, I have a thread for each of my dogs. Paris was the first, a free throwaway chicken killer. It took 2 years, but I turned her around, into the best chicken protector ever.

My 2 GPS taught me more than I ever taught them. I loved Anatolians from the start, but felt I needed a better education on LGDs.

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