Recent content by bootstrap

  1. bootstrap

    Planting Sunflower Seeds

    depends on the situation, i know chickens love to be in freshly tilled ground. I know they will not transplant well if you try and start them first.
  2. bootstrap

    Coldframe, UPDATE plants now in the coldframe.

    looks like you got it done but the best way to cut that stuff is with an circular saw, use a plywood blade (fine tooth) turned the wrong way. the blade with the teeth facing up will pull the material towards the saw to prevent in from shaking the fine teeth will not make it crack etc.
  3. bootstrap

    What to do while the Compost is Cooking?

    I highly recommend Neptune fish/seaweed emulsion. Very good stuff.
  4. bootstrap

    Transplanting broccoli ?'s

    I agree, put the broccoli no deeper than the original surface. Peppers can and should be planted as deep as the first two or the cotyledon leaves.
  5. bootstrap

    Harvesting Boy Choy this week (pic)

    they look great. I am attempting to grow pak choi for the first time this year, I started some in a flat and direct seeded some also. how did you do it?
  6. bootstrap

    Bell peppers and 44 degrees overnight?

    I think I posted that. I believe it to be true but I could be wrong.
  7. bootstrap

    Draining duck pool into veg garden...good idea?

    It sounds just ducky to me!
  8. bootstrap

    Can you put a weed barrier in the bottom of a raised garden?

    you could push in an edging around the perimeter in the ground or use a construction grade road fabric like the stuff I use as a ground cover.
  9. bootstrap

    AARRRGGGHHH! It's snowing!!

    it looks like spring has finally come here, I got my peas, spinach, beets and some choi seeded on saturday. it was 70 here today.
  10. bootstrap

    Starter Seedling Prices

    wow nice plants, I started a couple flats 2 weeks ago and they are only a couple inches high, nothing like starting your own.
  11. bootstrap

    How do you anchor your tomato cages?

    I make them out of american wire field fence. i weave a section of a sapling or a stake through the wire and pound it into the ground. some I just let them go on the ground. I lay down ground fabric so there is no issue with dirt or rot due to the ground.
  12. bootstrap

    Broccoli Planted

    I started a flat of broccoli this year but between the moths and the rabbits it is usually a loosing venture. I tried raab last year for the first time and didnt have very good results there either. I think I planted the raab too early.
  13. bootstrap

    Why do you garden?

    gardening was ingrained in my being as a child, some of my fondest memories.
  14. bootstrap

    harvesting sunflowers?

    a piece of window screen wrapped around the head will hold the seeds and keep the birds off.
  15. bootstrap

    Indoor Planting Tomato's

    yes I agree with pat 100%. I had forgotten to follow up with my question about the bulbs. get a shop light and put it about 2-3 inches from the plants. Put it on a timer if you can of 18-20hrs on and 4-6 off. make sure when you first put the plants outside (not in the ground) you start them off...