Recent content by fastfreddy43

  1. F

    Horseradish- now what???

    smiles i know but if it wasnt suspected i have had my breath taken away and was sure if i was going to make it
  2. F

    The tomatoes are up! Pictures

    oh to have arz. sun shining on pa. soil
  3. F

    Horseradish- now what???

    i grew it before am go to start again does any one think anyone ever o.d.onhorseradish
  4. F


    i'am in crawford co i came from co. snow belt is way to kind georga people planting
  5. F

    African Violet Thread!!!!

    i wash mine now then with kitchen sprayer they seem to like it
  6. F

    The tomatoes are up! Pictures

    cats critters what are those little things
  7. F

    Horseradish- now what???

    love to know other horseradish looovers around
  8. F


    why wouldu all this "snow belt u are way to kind
  9. F

    Bell peppers and 44 degrees overnight?

    how can u not like peppers from sweet to so hot u cant touch them love em love em
  10. F

    What Are You Planting Today, This Week, This Month?

    u guys got me jealous with all this planting the snow is just melting here in nwpa.
  11. F

    Indoor Planting Tomato's

    last fall i took cuttings from a tomato plant rooted it took cuttings from it now have little plants that are flowering now
  12. F

    Purple Peppers, or Garlic

    just love those totally tomatoes books