Recent content by GardenWeasel

  1. G


    Don't know curing time on the garlic but will be on pins and needles waiting for your results. I am in NW TN and the local gardeners here are pretty discouraging about getting a good crop. Keep us posted.
  2. G

    Crazy for heirloom corn

    I grow Painted Mountain and Earthtone dent in the same plot as their maturity dates are 70 and 105 days. The Mandan red flour corn is at 80 days so have a seperate plot for that. I haven't had much luck with 3 sisters but Earthtone dent is a large sturdy plant. Bean beetles abound here so about...
  3. G

    Is It Soup?

    No real recipe. I bake as many sweets for as big a pot of soup as I want, usually big. Chop and pan fry some onions and garlic with hot Italian or Andouille sausageand butter. Scoop in the taters and loosen it up with as much chicken broth as you like add your choice of greens. Some times I top...
  4. G

    Is It Soup?

    Soup, glorious soup. Sweet potato, hot sausage and greens. Potato, hot peppers, bacon and cheese. I am a soup nut. Maybe just a nut!
  5. G

    Grow enough to feed 10 chickens

    I think what I found most informative on that site was they gave the amount of seed required. Then you have to adjust for bugs and weather. I expanded my run this year and put in a mulberry tree where there is no shade so at some point they should have shade and mulberries. I grow a lot of those...
  6. G

    What are you planting right now/fall

    Just mustard, lettuce and radishes. I hate this time of year but I am tired and still have tomatoes peppers and sweet potatoes to harvest. Then on to seed catalogs and dreaming.
  7. G

    Crazy for heirloom corn

    I am here. Do grow sweet corn but hybrid for taste. I have grown Painted Mountain for three years and successfully saved seed. I also grew Earthtone dent last year and this year added Mandan Flour corn. A little tricky saving seed as I have gmo corn grown around me. I have 3 acres to play with...
  8. G

    Crazy for heirloom corn

    Three years ago I moved to western TN and tried after numerous failures in IL my first heirloom corns with outstanding success. At first it was for the chickens, now it is for us too. This year I am up to 3 varieties and have saved seed. Any other corny people out there?
  9. G

    Harvested the Butternut Squash...

    Nice Harvest, lesa. How many plants did you have? I got 7 from my 2 plants, squash bugs took them out early. I love squash soups. Epicurious has some awesome different recipes for squash.
  10. G

    Grow enough to feed 10 chickens

    Last year cut and hauled oats, millet, sunflowers and buckwheat. Lots of work. This year stole part of their run and planted oats, buckwheat, millet and a few sunflowers and fenced it off with fences I could take down when it was ready. Got 2 crops of buckwheat. They mowed it down and ate it...
  11. G

    Grow enough to feed 10 chickens

    Sustainable Seed Company- online- has a poultry package that dada gives the products and the amount of each to plant to feed 10 chickens with some free range. I loved reading it. I may purchase some of the items, some I can get cheaper elsewhere and some I prefer to use a different variety. It...
  12. G

    spent corn stalks???

    If you don't sell them all on CL. I take all my sunflower, spent cornstalks and other woody stems and make a pile where I plan to grow root crops next year. Let them dry out and burn them and spread the ashes. I found an article about this the year I planted 300 sunflowers that I would make a...
  13. G

    Potato harvest

    I was itching to start our sweet potato harvest too but after pulling one plant, way way too little. Stay away frost!
  14. G

    Wish I had planted more....

    Thistlebloom, I too love my potatoes. Many more going in next year now that I have found a less expensive straw source. I usually bore everyone to tears about what I am growing for the chickens. I am also prone to go on and on about heirloom corn. I will have to mark my...
  15. G

    Wish I had planted more....

    Mississippi silver peas and Christmas limas. These are about the only plants in the bean family that are not destroyed by the beetles. If I am ever able to get snap beans I will have to take my chances and start my main crop a little earlier than I feel it is warm enough.