Recent content by jjparke

  1. J

    Installing Sod (Save the sod!!!!)

    Self-employed doing stuff like he does you better get used to it.
  2. J

    Weight Watchers

    Good choice with WW. It is a proven program that helps you reprogram everything you know about food and eating. It will slowly help you completely overhaul all your bad habits. It was successful for me when I did it. Best of luck to you!!
  3. J

    Pumpkin Sale

    We were lucky enough to have a great pumpkin harvest this year. If any of you on this forum are in the Boise Idaho area this Saturday ( Oct 11, 2008) from 11am to 1pm local time we are selling large pumpkins for $2.00 each and small pumpkins for $1.00 each. We will also have corn stalks for sale...
  4. J

    sunflower recipes

    Help I have 87 sunflowers coming and I need some ideas for processing the seeds.