Recent content by RDRANCH


    Tomatillos, What to do with them?

    We have been trying different things with the tomatillos. The favorite has been making fresh salsas and eating them with chips our using it as a sauce on chicken. Smoking them on the grill with tomatoes, onions and jalapenos has been the best. And I still add some chipotle to it as well. I am...

    How big should my acorn squash be for picking?

    In this ever thightening economy most things do not surprise me. However we are using more and more organic seeds in our garden. I do think the weather has a big effect not only where the seed plants were grown but also the weird weather where we all grow our gardens. The odd weather thing...

    How big should my acorn squash be for picking?

    As a sales rep for two seed companies, I have heard from a few of my customers some strange reports of things growing in a manner that is not "normal". The best one was delicata squash that grew as a bush, but it five feet tall and self supporting. I feel that with the weather being a bit on...

    How big should my acorn squash be for picking?

    Anybody ever have one totaly orange acorn squash on a plant with several normal ones?:hu

    Something New in the Veggie Garden?

    The Ruby Moon we planted is a variety of Hyacinth Bean. In the past I had tried an unamed variety that grew to be plain with no. Considering that five seeds cost $2.99 and each bean produced three or four seeds, mulitply that times the 200 or so beans that formed I am very pleased and can't...

    Something New in the Veggie Garden?

    I have plant Hyacinth beans off and on for the last several years with no success. All that grew were these massive green vines with no blooms, beans or color other than green. This year I planted the Ruby Moon variety from Botanical Interests. Being a named variety they were more expensive...

    Tomatillos, What to do with them?

    While discussing gardening with one of my customers, she told me that you only plant them once! What really impressed me about the plants is their size. It always amazes me how big plants can get from the tiniest of seeds. :)

    Tomatillos, What to do with them?

    Thanks hoodat! We are going to pick up some roasted green chilis and experiment with dinner tonight.:)

    Tomatillos, What to do with them?

    We grew tomatillos for the first time to see if they would grow well here. Well they did great! There are only four plants, but there are dozens of friut on all of them. They are starting to ripen and I was wondering how to use them. Does anybody out there have any recipes? :idunno I was told...

    What I have learned This Summer about Gardening

    Great advice Hangin' Just be careful about composting everything you can. Plants with disese are better burned than composted as pathogens can survive the compost process and rememerge in the garden. We can compost healthy plant material and burn the rest in the garden along with scorching the...

    Do You Cut Lavender Back in Spring?

    Great adivce Craftmaster. However I am in the seed sales business and for some reason lavender and rosemary seeds are very popular. I will though tell customers that I see buying those seeds that they will be happier and much better success if they just spend a few bucks and buy a plant. I...

    Jerusalem Artichockes

    Thats good to know as we have been bone dry in the rain department and they have already eaten all the crabapples and everything else that looks good. I wonder if this means we are going to have a cold snowy winter. We are due for it!:)

    Jerusalem Artichockes

    Well 3 weeks later there are blooms starting to form and the plants are nine feet tall! Can't wait to see to tubers this fall!:fl

    Jerusalem Artichockes

    They are mostly in full sun but are shaded a little in the morning and in the evening. I guess it's everything else in this years garden, a little on the slow side to develope. Thanks for the input!:)

    Jerusalem Artichockes

    Is it unusual for Jerusalem Artichokes to not be in bloom yet? I got one plant last year from my mother in law and planted in a raised bed. Due to several circumstances last year there really wasn't a garden in that area but the plant did get water when I remembered. Early last spring while...