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  1. S

    My Silkie's Garden Pad

    I have two silkie hens that have pretty posh garden compound that I have built for them. With the small space that I have, I am trying to utilize it all. I have built a planter box and placed it above ground waist high. Very easy to get to and too high for my little silkies to get into...
  2. S

    Worm's Have Arrived! Picture Added

    I'm getting my first red wiggler worm delivery tomorrow. Any helpful hints besides what I have read online about worm composting? Your feedback will be wormly welcomed!:rolleyes:
  3. S

    Introduction : Sam the Yam

    Hello, just wanted to introduce myself as a new member to this forum. I live in sunny Arizona, I am a father of 5, a grandfather to the next "Gerber" baby, I enjoy gardening, raising chickens, and other hobbies including decorating fun theme cakes. I just recent started a garden in a new spot...