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  1. B

    Raspberries are small/sour?

    I planted some raspberry plants earlier this year and it produced a few raspberries this year... Kinda strange, as they all seem to be developing differently. For example, I planted two Anne raspberry plants. One of them is around two feet tall, and it's sprouting multiple branches going in...
  2. B

    Question about tomato plants?

    How dangerous are they, to neighboring plants? I heard tomato plants harbor tons of bacteria, and you shouldn't plant them within a certain radius of other plants. I'm currently growing raspberry/blackberry plants, and I don't want them to get infected by the tomato plants. I personally don't...
  3. B

    Flies around newly planted raspberry canes

    There're flies around my newly planted raspberry/blackberry canes. I don't know if they're the result of the raspberry/blackberry canes, themselves... or it's the organic compost I added to the area? Or maybe the coffee grinds? Anybody know? And what danger do these flies pose to my...
  4. B

    Should I pluck out newly sprouting raspberry plant?

    I just planted a bunch of raspberry plants a while ago. One of them is still showing ZERO signs of life. I'm really starting to think it's dead. The other three are sprouting leaves, so I'm not as concerned. That said, one of them, has another plant growing from it... 6 inches away. Is that...
  5. B

    Are my raspberry/blackberry plants dead?

    Hi, I'm completely new to gardening. Recently, I bought 5 berry plants from the internet. They were not in a pot. 4 of the raspberry plants came bundled up in wet newspaper strippings, and the blackberry plant was saran wrapped in some kinda wood shaving. Overview of what I bought... - 2...
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    Coffee grinds - how do you apply them?

    So I have an espresso machine, and I pull shots of espresso from time to time. Afterward, I have a spent puck of ground espresso that I just toss into the garbage can. However, I heard that you can use these coffee grinds for your garden. I just never understood in what context... Do you use...
  7. B

    Just planted raspberries - what next?

    Do I need to prune it at all? I've seen one video where the gardener just pruned it down to 2 inches height... but I'm not sure whether that's gonna work for me. I live in Los Angeles, where the weather is a bit different, and I don't wanna mistime any pruning and ruin optimal harvest.
  8. B

    Planting raspberries/blackberries - HELP!

    Hi, I just ordered raspberry and blackberry plants, and I received them today. I've never planted anything in my life. I'd appreciate it, if I can get some really simple advice on how to plant them. So far, all I have is a shovel and some cheap pH meter. I don't even know where the...
  9. B

    Can I grow raspberries/blackberries in SoCal?

    I'm completely new to planting fruit trees, so I was hoping I can get some help from people with some experience. I've done some research on my own, but there's still a lot of stuff that confuses me. For instance, the zone maps. According to what I've read, the whole point of these zone maps...