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  1. D

    Dragon Tongue Bush Beans

    We women and our menfolks! My Hubby likes to help me. Rather, tell me how the way I am doing something is all wrong, and his way is much better. Sometimes it works, but a lot of times it doesn't. I/We want a bigger garden this year. I grew up in Kentucky. We plowed, planted, grew, and harvested...
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    Drying Herbs

    Hey All. I have a dehydrator. Been using it a little. Dehydrate apples for our oatmeal in the mornings. Delicious! I am not a great cook. What I cook is good enough. But I am just not one to spend a lot of time cooking. Quick is best. Plus my boys are grown, the one left at home is gone a lot...
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    New to canning:

    YAY!! Jared, The first one is the one I have. Is that one good enough? I've been looking at it. Has recipes for veggies and fruit. Just seems like a lot more fruit. Not that I have anything against fruit, but Fred of DebFred is diabetic. I am amazed that you can put more than one food in a jar...
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    New to canning:

    Oh My Lord!! I love this site!! An amazing amount of information. Gonna take me a while to soak it all in. Sorry I have been absent, but my laptop was in the shop. The desk top is a pain to me. Too new, plus the Hubby uses it and I am afraid I will mess it up. I know, silly, but took me...
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    New to canning:

    Hi All. I am going to be trying my hand at canning this coming year. I am a bit leery of it. I remember my Mamaw and Mom doing the canning, and being very particular about how it was done. I just would like some hints, words of wisdom, easier things to start out with. I bought a Ball Canning...
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    Can you grow a poinsettia plant outside?

    Thank you Catjac. That clears it all up for me. I printed off a copy of the site for her. I appreiciate all the help from all of you. Deb
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    Can you grow a poinsettia plant outside?

    Okay. I am confused, but that is nothing new to me. She needs to keep it indoors for the winter. Then set out after all danger of frost is past. Then bring it back in in the fall. I am getting confused on the time inside. If she keeps it by a window in the winter, it will get light. Or is it...
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    Can you grow a poinsettia plant outside?

    Thank you all so much. I will tell her what you all have said. Appreciate all your input. Deb
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    Can you grow a poinsettia plant outside?

    So far so good! How about the one she just got? Does she keep it in the house all winter or plant it outside on the west side? Her house is brick, and she loves her flowers. This is a yellow one, and that sucker is huge!!! I hope she can keep it alive. Thanks you two!! :D :happy_flower
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    Can you grow a poinsettia plant outside?

    Hi All, My neighbor lady got a beautiful poinsettia plant for Christmas. She asked me is there any way to keep them from dying and replanting them? We live in the Cincinnati area of Ohio. Of course I thought of this site when she asked me! Happy New Year.
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    New here from Ohio

    Thank you joz. Will Google!!
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    New here from Ohio

    I will definitely check these sites out. Thanks!! :rose
  13. D

    New here from Ohio

    DiditS, Fred loves pintos now. I will plant so we both like the harvests of our labors. :) As for the other beans, I mean like string beans, the green ones. I know there are several different ones. Have to ask my neighbor across the road. A friend of mine likes "greasy beans." Can't remember if...
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    New here from Ohio

    Thank you for the links on the fruit trees. I will probably look at a few nurseries around here first. I know I would like a peach tree and an apple tree. But we will see. As for the snowball bush, I guess those will be easier to find than I thought. Thanks for letting me know they are...
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    New here from Ohio

    I am getting fed up with my laptop. Just had a nice message written, hit submit, and it froze. AGAIN!!! Any way. I want to know about planting blackberries, and raspberries. I know you have to watch them or they will take over. Been thinking about planting some around the perimeter of our back...
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    New here from Ohio

    Hey again. I love the rambles too. Smiles, I know some people from Ross. Good people there. BobM, if we do the chickens in the garden, which I am leaning away from, the chickens will be safely tucked in their coop at night. We have a dog that stays out when it is nice enough for his old...
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    New here from Ohio

    Loving this site already! You all sound so friendly. I think half an acre as small. I grew up on 16 acres in Kentucky. That was small for down there. We used to have a place with 11 acres, but had to move. It was good while it lasted. The boys grew up there and it was safe. I didn't want them...
  18. D

    New here from Ohio

    Hi All, Just found this site courtesy of BYC and BYH. I am looking forward to learning more about gardens, and meeting new friends! I am in the Cincinnati area of Ohio. We plan on a bigger garden this coming year. Also starting with chickens and rabbits. I want to learn how to use the chickens...