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  1. K

    Pickles... then Pickles and Beans... Then Cabbage

    I wanted to make pickles yesterday. I decided on Bread and Butters. I made then with 6 pounds of Cucumbers. I ended up having alot of brine left over and didn't want to waste it so I decided to throw some more cucumbers in, but spears this time. And I added some wax beans I just pulled off the...
  2. K

    First Batch of Biodiesel

    Made my first batch of Biodiesel yesterday. Did it using the "Dr. Pepper Method". I would like to do it on a larger scale, but the kits are super expensive for what you get, I found the cheapest is about $2500. I think I am going to build my processor using the Appleseed configuration. For...
  3. K

    Steaming Compost

    I have been composting for years now and I have never had a compost pie that steamed. I live very close to a mulch supplier and EVERY morning there piles are steaming. I add kinds of things like food scraps, plant clippings, grass, leaves and and other kind of brush. I soon will be getting...
  4. K

    Age of Seeds

    What is the maximum age of seeds to be considered usable? I have a bunch from '05, but I doubt that they will be useable. My first post by the way, Also a part of BackYard Chickens.