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  1. blondiebee181

    Trumpet Vines

    Okay so....a friend of mine has a rather large Trumpet and, (I know, I all are running the theme song from Psycho in your heads going "Don't do it!!") But, what can I say, I have always admired it. Now I knooow Trumpets are terribly invasive....I saw how the runners came up in the...
  2. blondiebee181


    Anyone have some good tips on Artichokes? I live in Boise, ID and I really want to try them...I have a friend who has had success with a couple varieties. Do they grow well at all in pots? About how much room should I allow if not? I am growing 2 5'X6' raised beds and one smaller 2 1/4'X4 1/2'...
  3. blondiebee181

    Good compost?

    Hey all you greenthumbs! I am starting raised beds this year at my new house, finally my own garden! I'm sooo excited! So, I have this composter at my parents' full of compost that I hope is going to be ready for this Spring...I guess my question is, if I use the compost I aready have from...