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  1. missourigirl11

    Can I look inside your green house?

    I love love looking at other people's green house. I am gonna get some pics of mine tomorrow and post :)
  2. missourigirl11

    Introducing myself!

    I thought since I am kinda new here I would introduce myself! (: My name is Mandi. I am a 23 year old stay at home mom and wife. My husband Chris is a farmer and construction worker. His goal is to get enough land to farm on so he can quit working and become a full time farmer and I am...
  3. missourigirl11

    Storm took out my greenhouse :(

    Last week we had some storms and it really took a tole on my greenhouse :( Ripped off panels and bent the frame all up. My sweet husband had to go out and recuse ALL my plants that day. He put all them in the shed. So now they get no sun :( I have a light on my tomatoes. We ordered parts so...
  4. missourigirl11

    My poor flowers don't have a chance!

    I have the most beautiful flowers that come up every year (no idea what they are) but every time they start to bloom my 2 1/2 year old picks them! :lol: And the funny thing is, he picks them and then smells then and say "MMMM" and gives it to me to smell but then I HAVE to give it back to him...
  5. missourigirl11

    Tomatos in my greenhouse

    I went on a planting spree the other day and yesterday I counted how many tomato plants I have planted. I have 720!! OH MY! :lol: This is my first year with a greenhosue so I got a little excited. Gonna try to sell them later on. lol
  6. missourigirl11

    Help with greenhouse

    First of all, hello everyone, I am new here :) My name is Mandi. This is my first greenhouse and my first year of planting early. I am so new at this and totally at loss! My mom said that it is way to early to start some things in there. It is usually around 20-40 degree here during the day...