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  1. mydogdory

    Planting Indoors

    Hi! I didn't know where to put this post but ill just put it here...This year I want to start plants inside and then move them outside when it's warm enough. I know right now is way too early but when do you usually start planting indoors? Also, where is a cheaper but good website to get seeds...
  2. mydogdory

    My New Dresser!!!!

    I had this super ugly dresser in my bedroom for years and never got around to painting it. I finally did and am so happy! I love it so much! I had to share a before and after! (:
  3. mydogdory

    What Is This???

    I was weeding and found these...What are they? As you can see they aren't "in" the ground but they were.
  4. mydogdory

    Sand Under Pumpkins?

    Hi! My pumpkin plants are in a bed that vines out into the grass. I read that pumpkins can rot from the ground being moist and by bugs. What can I put under the pumpkins to keep them from doing that? I read you can put sand and I have a lot of it but wanted to ask other peoples advice on sand...
  5. mydogdory

    Pumpkin Rotting?

    Hi! A couple weeks ago I found my first pumpkin on my pumpkin plant! It grew a little bit but now it's getting yellow and brown..I think it rotting. Where the yellow and brown is it's kind of squishy and where the green is it's hard. It didn't have that brown yesterday. The first picture is the...
  6. mydogdory

    Tomatillo Question

    Hi! I got a tomatillo plant a couple weeks ago. I hear that they get really big and that they seed a lot. How do you manage them? Will they completely take over a garden? Can I trim them back so they aren't as uncontrollable? Thanks!!! (:
  7. mydogdory


    The seed package says the carrots will be ready to harvest next Thursday. So in 10 days! I counted the carrots and there were 102!!! I decided to pull one to see where they're at. (: I don't actually care for carrots but it was juicy, tender, and delicious! (:
  8. mydogdory

    Micro Tomatoes

    Hi! I would really like to grow some micro tomatoes (or any indoor/window plants other than herbs!) If anyone has some seeds I would be willing to trade for some other seeds. I have these seeds: Bush Champion Cucumber Romaine Lettuce Bon Vivant Blend Lettuce Sweet Basil Mammoth Sunflower...
  9. mydogdory

    Ivory Pepper Plant Help

    I put this thread in Fruits & Vegetables and realized I should have put it in Diseases and Pests! lol My pepper plant is doing really good and even has a flower on it and some more that should bloom soon. The only issue is that something keeps cutting or eating the leaves. Every morning there...
  10. mydogdory


    So the other day one of the tomato flowers died and fell off. Do tomatoes always grow after the flower falls off? The "tomato" I posted a picture of is brown. What does that mean? Is it not fertilized? Is a tomato going to grow? Thanks! (:
  11. mydogdory

    Ivory Pepper Plant Help!

    My pepper plant is doing really good and even has a flower on it and some more that should bloom soon. The only issue is that something keeps cutting or eating the leaves. Every morning there seems to be more and more gone. There are no pieces of leaves under the plant so that's why I think...
  12. mydogdory

    Growing Watermelons?

    Hi! I have a watermelon plant in one of my gardens. Since I didn't take any pictures when I first transplanted them I can't tell if they have gotten any bigger. How fast or slow do watermelons grow? Is there anything I need to know about growing watermelons? This is my first year! Thanks! (:
  13. mydogdory

    Sunflower in Carrots

    So I was out weeding around the carrots and I saw what looked like a large sunflower sprout. I looked around for a sunflower seed and sure enough there was one right next to it. I carefully dug around it and transplanted it into a plastic pot I had. I guess I must have dropped a seed when I was...
  14. mydogdory

    Mammoth Sunflowers

    Hi! I have never planted Mammoth Sunflowers before. Right now the are growing like crazy!! Any sunflower tips?? Thanks!!
  15. mydogdory

    Newbie (:

    Hi! I'm new here and to gardening. I did a little bit of gardening last year. Only carrots. This year my dad and I are planting pumpkins, tomatoes, basil, watermelon, sunflowers, carrots, bell pepper, and strawberries. So far so good!!! Any tips for beginner gardeners? Oh and what do you put...