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    Where can I buy an orange tree. I thought to get the information prior to getting my green house done so I could order it when I get the green house made. I would also take a lemon or lime also. Arklady
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    Brussel sprouts

    I will most likely have to wait until late summer or fall. But I do enjoy the frozen ones at the store. Don't foget to post pics. :) Arklady
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    Brussel sprouts

    I will be moving into Southeast Kansas and I would be unable to have my gardening area set up for anything except possibly fall. I am allowing myself some real time to organize my yard for maximum utility for not only my chickens but my dogs, cats and garden space. So I have to be sure there is...
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    Brussel sprouts

    Pretty much. I have heard very little about them as a lot of people don't like them. Arklady
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    Brussel sprouts

    I know most of my family don't like them but I happen to like them so what is the best way to deal with these strange veggies. Arklady
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    Distance in planting heirooms so they don't cross

    Couldn't you just like grow the ones you want to save seed from in a mini green house? Arklady
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    Please help ~~Strawberries??

    Is this 100 ft row for an every day supply or just that much to store because, I love strawberries but I don't think I would be eating them every day fresh. That sounds like an awful lot of berries. Arklady
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    I got some pomegranites in the mail last fall from a gal in california. I took all the fruit as they were handled rather badly and quickly put all the seed in the freezer. My question is... what do I do now with the frozen seed that has been in the freezer for several months? AND How much...
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    About currants

    Are they really white or just that they are called white... lol... I actually never heard of white before. I know there are some black and red currants but I hesitate to buy one unless I know its close to what I want. I don't want to get something I don't like. I had considered the red though...
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    About currants

    A long time ago when I was a child I went to visit a family and they gave me a jar of currant jelly to take home with me. I don't know what kind of currant it was but the color was pinkish. It was delicious and I thought to plant one. Could anyone tell me what type of currant it could be? Arklady
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    most unusual produce

    I think that's what I do. I think I plant too late, Like I start my tomatoes when the plants come out and then I don't get many. Possibly I need to start them earlier? More like all of my plants earlier including my flowers and everything else. Perhaps that has been my problem all along! Hmmmm...
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    Interesting Potato Growing Kit

    I believe that you are supposed to keep filling up the can till they grow up and out the top eventually. Then they get sunlight that keeps the plant alive. Arklady
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    Interesting Potato Growing Kit

    I know it would seem like a mess but if you are careful you could probably just dig out the potatoes and scoop out the material for the garden as composted material. Or you could spread it on your yard as goodies and let the grass have some good stuff for the year. I know I am going to use the...
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    My name does sound like I am from Arkansas and indeed I do live here but this garden I am planning is for a place I am moving to this spring... If I can get the deed and start advertising. Fortunately here land is still selling for good prices. The land in question will be in southeast Kansas...
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    Interesting Potato Growing Kit

    Oh thats cool but how many would you need to feed you over the winter? I know my son and I can eat about 20 lbs in about two weeks. Its a main food in our family. I had thought to try the 55 gallon drum method... there is no bottom on this barrel. You just cut out the bottom put it on good...
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    I had thought of that also. Now to find the kind that will give me the desired cooking results. I want a garlic that is going to produce medium size and flavor... Any ideas? Arklady
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    One of the things I want to plant is have a garlic bed. I believe you plant several and they can be reseeded if you have the right ones. But finding the right ones is tough. Any ideas? I am hoping to keep propagating them so I don't have to keep buying. Arklady
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    Soil prep......

    I want to try two different Garden styles... One the Lasagna garden. I would like to put pumpkins, melons and corn in this one. I would like a tender sweet corn for this area but I would like to know of an heirloom variety so that I might be able to save some seed and also how much I could get...
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    Me again...

    Has anyone ordered plants or seeds from R.H. Shumways before? If so what did you like about them and how satisfied were you with your order. I have checked out their site and have a few *gulp more like a lot* clicked but I wanted to know how you liked their offerings. Arklady
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    Soil prep......

    Oooo I had forgotten that method. I had just read about that this summer and I printed out the article. Yes that is an option I had thought about for my tomato problem. I lose them because I forget to water, which is one of my down falls, but I figure if I can. I really want to learn to make...