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  1. S

    "Fruit Salad" trees

    Yes, if you wanted to graft a pear and peach onto the same root stock you could create a multiple fruit tree. However, this is different from the supposed fruit cocktail trees the OP was asking about. I think the idea these places are selling is that you can harvest all these different...
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    We now have an egg!!!

    Cool, I've never seen a hummingbird nest before. That egg is so tiny.
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    "Fruit Salad" trees

    My family has owned and operated nurseries for years and I can honestly say these are a complete waste of money. For apples to bare well you need another variety to polinate them. So even if you purchased two of these trees they wouldn't work. The grafts fruit at different times so you'd never...
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    NOT Habenero Pepper Plant!

    Looks like a Jalapeno to me.
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    What is the name of these flowers???

    Campanula medium aka Canterbury Bells are biannuals that don't reseed themselves realiably. So if you'd like more you'll either have to save seeds and replant or purchase new plants.
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    2nd Generation Zucchini From Last Year's Seeds

    I think getting a couple plants at the garden center isn't a bad idea. While growing the mystery plants out may be fun I wouldn't count on getting anything near the original from them.
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    Sounds like an Atlantic Giant pumpkin. It does seem early for planting them but maybe you need the extra time to get those really large guys. 50lbs for and Atlantic Giant is pretty small though they are the world reccord holders at over 1000lbs.
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    Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds

    I've grown the accordian tomatoes. They weren't my favorite but it looks like you're into paste type tomatoes so you'll probably like them. They were mostly hollow with very few seeds and thick walls. I haven't ordered from Baker Creek, so I can't comment on them. I usually get my heirlooms...
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    Looking for spanish red sweet potato slips.

    My great aunt mentioned she'd love to have some of these, but thought they were extinct. I see Sandhill has them but is sold out. If anyone has some or knows where I can get them please let me know.