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  1. swampducks


    Oh I am much, much better, thank you. On the following Monday my doc prescribed muscle relaxants and I was gingerly walking around a few days later, and vigorously a week after that. I am being very careful how I do things though. I want to be planting snow peas soon, in another week or so, I hope.
  2. swampducks


    Some of my seeds have sprouted: hollyhocks mainly. Not that I planted a lot but it is nice to see.
  3. swampducks

    Dang you Tractor Supply

    I was at my TSC and Home Depot on Thursday/Friday. No roses, but lots of grapes and berry plants.
  4. swampducks

    What Are You Planting Today, This Week, This Month?

    I have now officially planted some seeds in 4 packs in the basement, bottom watered and covered with a plastic lid. Cherry tomatoes: Sweet Millions and Red Tumbling Tom, Hollyhocks, Queeny Purple, Summer Carnival Mix and Halo Mix, and some Crystal Palace Lobelia that I found from 2013 that I had...
  5. swampducks


    Saw my first two robins yesterday evening! Spring is officially here!
  6. swampducks

    What Are You Planting Today, This Week, This Month?

    I thought it was a mushroom. o_O
  7. swampducks

    What Are You Planting Today, This Week, This Month?

    Ah yes, there's probably one of my problems. Fertile ground, I've been at this location 14 years and still trying to get this soil decent. Between the sand base and the cedars, it's thin, acidic, full of roots, just nasty. I can't create enough compost to fix it. Doesn't help that this year DH...
  8. swampducks

    What Are You Planting Today, This Week, This Month?

    I tried planting green onion seeds once. Nothing happened. No idea why, they were fresh seeds and I followed directions, so I only plant sets now, too, and hardly do that anymore. Usually it will just be shallots. Harder to get those in the grocery stores around here.
  9. swampducks

    Dang you Tractor Supply

    Yup, maple sap. For years I had said I wanted to do it, and now we are. DH seems to be having the most fun with it. We've given away 2 pints and a half pint to family already and there are 5 finished pints on the table plus a little more in the fridge. Got too cold again though so everything is...
  10. swampducks

    What Are You Planting Today, This Week, This Month?

    Those plants look really, really nice. It's only 29 here in northern Michigan, not time to plant anything outside, however next week I plan on planting some sweet millions tomato seeds and a few varieties of hollyhocks into peat pots. I no longer do the massive planting of tomatoes, etc indoors...
  11. swampducks

    Dang you Tractor Supply

    Assuming my back continues to improve, I may be able to peruse the big box stores on Tuesday, unless the sap is really running and DH needs me, then again, I blew out my back collecting the sap last Saturday, so shopping may be safer....
  12. swampducks

    Future BBQ's

    OH yum, BBQ chicken! Feels like it's been ages! Almost makes me want to get a few meaties, but no... been there, done that.. regret those last 5 weeks or so every time. But they taste so good.... and the fried..... oooooooh no, no no
  13. swampducks

    Official Poll: What do you do during Winter?

    i'm on line a LOT, otherwise I'm crocheting, usually shawls, an occasional sweater but lately I'm working on a king size afghan, Although the last couple of weeks I've been collecting maple sap to make syrup. DH is really enjoying the process.
  14. swampducks


    I use Chrome. I also tried IE, still had the same problems. Threw out my back yesterday morning gathering maple sap, now confined to bed. Even sitting up is agony. I hate having a bad back! This is what happens when you feel so good you start skipping your back exercises, then one wrong move....
  15. swampducks

    Dang you Tractor Supply

    I see you're at the 48th parallel, I'm at the 45th. Probably around Easter they'll show up here.
  16. swampducks


    So is there any purpose to reviving the MI thread as it's been dead nearly 2 years? And is anyone else having trouble with pages not loading on this website? 90% of the time I can't get anything. I have no trouble at all at BYC.
  17. swampducks

    Dang you Tractor Supply

    Oh cool, I love yellow, I will have to check TSC for the floribunda Texas next time I am there. Then again, there might not be any roses available this far north yet....
  18. swampducks

    Dang you Tractor Supply

    Are those tea roses? As pretty as they are I won't buy them because they just won't survive zone 4. So I"ve got a few rugosa types and a hardy Canadian or two. Last time I went and bought a regular rose, it was one of those Knock outs, it didn't even make it to winter. I suppose it was just...
  19. swampducks


    I was gone all day today but when I got home, a few of my daffodils have bloomed. They are awfully small this year though, I think the drought last year affected them. I should probably fertilize this year. Do I do that after they finish blooming? And yesterday I planted a double 12 ft row of...
  20. swampducks


    The majority of my crocus to brighten your day. I need more!