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  1. kenman

    OKRA, First timers question?

    How bout an update on that okra? I'm picking twice a week and it ain't slowing down.
  2. kenman

    OKRA, First timers question?

    My first time planting okra at this place was last season. I planted about 50 feet of row, a dwarf variety. It was supposed to be a cute little plant that got about four feet tall. They started producing at about two to three feet tall. Every other day I picked okra. Every day it got taller. We...
  3. kenman

    Evidently things are not always what they should be.

    When life hands you cucumbers...make pickles, salads, etc.! Then, trade the rest for squash.
  4. kenman

    We are now a 2 freezer house

    Absolutely not Steve, you will wonder why you bought the crazy thing. It will set half full of clothes that should go to Goodwill and old copies of Hobby Farming, Mother Earth News and old seed catalogs because you know you need something in it and also to keep it running to have any resale...
  5. kenman

    Grape Vines-Arrgggg!

    I found a picture of the vine on google, its an ornamental vine. It was never designed for fruit. Just my luck i spend four years trying to get grapes from a non-bearing grape vine.
  6. kenman

    Grape Vines-Arrgggg!

    We moved to this place four years ago. It had an established grape vines growing in my fence. We moved here in late fall and I couldn't wait for spring so I could grow some grapes. The first spring/summer, they put on tons of clusters and the grapes got about the size of B-B's and then popped! I...
  7. kenman

    Goose and cedar tree, who will win?

    I recently bought some American Buff geese and the best place I have to build a permanent home is under a large cedar tree. The tree is about 12 inches in diameter in the trunk with overhanging branches, and is about 20 plus feet tall. My questions are, will the geese hurt the tree? or will the...
  8. kenman

    AHH!!!! The devestation!!

    My garden also suffered through a storm. My corn and tomatoes took the worst of it. I looked out early on a Sunday morning after a stormy night and all my corn, about three feet tall, was on its side and my tomatoes were in shambles. I didn't know what to, so I left the corn for a couple of days...
  9. kenman

    What Are You Planting Today, This Week, This Month?

    I pulled up my green beans a week ago and my corn stalks a few days ago and then on Saturday I planted 6 rows of sweet corn (peaches and cream variety) approx. 190 ft. total. and today i'm going to plant more green beans. I've always wanted to try a fall garden and this seems as good a time as any.
  10. kenman

    missouri members

    I'm from SW Missouri near Carthage. I enjoy gardening, raising my chickens and spending time (as much as I can spare) under my shade trees. I am also enjoying this forum and am a new member over at backyard chicken. :D
  11. kenman

    Green Beans turning yellow-What the heck is that!!

    Is it just some of your plants or all? And do you have a male dog? If you do have a male dog, he may be marking territory. My dog marked some of my tomato plants and the leaves turned yellow up to the point where he marked.