At war with the cat...


Deeply Rooted
Oct 26, 2012
Reaction score
West Virginia
A while back Dew forced me to adopt a little kitten that was hanging around the house. I think the cat is still mad at me for not agreeing right away. And the war was on.

Kittens are notoriously jumpy, so I took every advantage of it. However, now that Bubbles has gotten older, she has decided to fight back.

I think it all started with an empty box. She loves any empty box, and will crawl into one when available. Well, she found a box laying on it's side in the kitchen and sneaked inside. There she waited, until I went to the microwave. Without warning she bolted out of the box and grabbed my ankle. Needless to say, she scared the crap outta me.

So, it's on now. I retaliated.

Days went by while I sought the perfect opportunity to get even. Eventually the chance came when she awoke from a nap came strolling across the living room. A well timed foot stomp sent the cat into a nearly perfect back-flip. It was great, really.

Not wanting to be one-upped, the cat got even. She sat on the bookcase outside our bedroom and waited until I came out, then jumped on me as I opened the door. Now, I don't scare easily, but that one nearly brought a tinkle out of me. Bad words were said!

Again, I waited, hoping for that perfect opportunity. Thanks to Sadie the dog, it happened. The cat went strolling out of the kitchen after drinking out of the dogs pan, with Sadie sitting beside me at the kitchen sink. A quick whisper to Sadie “Sadie, git the cat, git her” was all it took. One very loud bark and 50 pounds of Border Collie/Blue Heeler sent the cat flying across the house in a panic. (Sadie would never hurt Bubbles, but I think she likes chasing her on occasion).

For days I felt superior. I had the cat on the run.

Then came the infamous washing machine incident.

Image a quiet evening at home. Very few lights are on as I'm watching TV in the living room. I went to the bathroom down the hall, not bothering to turn on the hall light. How sorry I was to make that little mistake. It was dark.

The washer and dryer are in the hall. Dew has a habit of leaving the lid open on the washing machine. I came out of the bathroom and started down the hall, when suddenly WHAM, the lid to the washer slammed shut and the damn cat jumped on me! IN THE DARK!!! Had I not just gone to the bathroom, there would have been an accident.

“Damn it BUBBLES!!!”

She scared the hell out me that time. Dew couldn't stop laughing, which added insult to injury.

The other night, I got even. She was in the kitchen minding her own business, and started for the living room. As luck would have it, Dew had a couple of boxes stacked one on top of the other by the table. As the cat started off, I kicked the top box off of the stack, and got the response I wanted. Cats may have nine lives, but that box cost her one. It never came close to hitting her, but her response was priceless.

So now she sits and stares at me, conniving her next move. And I wait, always cautious; knowing she is up to something, because it's her turn.


Garden Master
Nov 16, 2011
Reaction score
Southeast VA
You'd better acknowledge defeat and give up.
My Mom had a cat named Max. Mad Max. Dad took great pleasure scaring that cat while he was a kitten.
For the next 20 years, Max RULED that house and NO ONE told him no. He had learned early how to make them sorry.....


Garden Master
Aug 22, 2012
Reaction score
SW Washington
Try this ... pack this cat from hell in an empty box , tie a ribbon on the box, have UPS deliver it to your favorite cat rescue. Perfect revenge ! :ya With this type of behavior of that cat ... it may be funny for others, but it is very dangerous to your life and limb. If it was mine, that cat would have used up it's 9 lives all at once no matter what that tatooed cat wisperer thinks. Before anyone thinks that I hate cats, that is not the case as we had 8 purebred Siamese cats over the past 40 years. Best cats ever !!!:celebrate


Garden Master
May 15, 2008
Reaction score
Eastern Panhandle, WV
I LOVE a cat that jumps you and takes it in good stride when you jump him as well. All in good fun and sometimes it's the only fun a cat can get while living indoors. This cat would likely be a wonderful barn cat, with many kills to his favor. :D


Garden Master
Jun 1, 2011
Reaction score
Hopefully, you won't get rid of the cat once it's had enough and violently attacks you.
Just sayin.