Been gone for a bit, so an update is needed!


Garden Master
Jun 1, 2011
Reaction score
Lets see, lots has happened since I last posted, even though it hasn't been a terribly long MIA.

I put my old Doberman to sleep some months ago, long and depressing story. I tried to grieve w/o a new critter...that failed completely.
Just days later I was looking for a new baby, we have a list of breeds we want to have in our lives. A King Charles Spaniel is on both our list, I dogsat one and he was such a soft and sweet dog! Then the Corgi, from the anime Cowboy Bebop! Along with some others.
In the end, again they were all too far away or way, way over priced! Over priced would be 2+ thousand and too far away, for me, would be 10+ hours drive.
I ended up finding Doberman ads, many local, but the breeders were crap backyard people wanting nothing but some cash or others had horridly bred or even mutts instead....Found a breeder way out a few States away, she had sold a bred dog to a lady 7hrs away from me. She shows and tests her dogs, her's were a bit too much, but the lady who had the bred dog wanted far less. I drove way out there when she said some were going to be seen that weekend, but I could come out the day they got their shots. I had told them about my old boy and she wanted me to get first pick! :D
When I arrived, they had their shots and a bath, passed out in a giant adorable dober-pile! :D
She took out all the boys, 4 or 5 of them, and they all bounced around being cute! The mom freaked when they were 4wks old, vet told her to wean them, so they were hardly 7wks when I came on by. It was near impossible to choose! I eventually noticed one overly submissive pup and an overly dominant pup, nope. Then there were two in the middle, seemingly identical, until I noticed one had a missing toenail. Chose the other and so glad I did.
He's now 4mo old and one day. He is the total opposite of my old boy! He is friendly to other animals, other dogs and other people! He is nice in the car and LOVES to cuddle! You all have no idea how I wished my old boy would of liked hugs! He is nearly potty trained, but lately, we have managed to miss his very subtle signs....He is doing great with all my livestock, best friends with the mutt and the LGD and ok with the bulldog.
He's 44# today, taped his ears down for a few days, up, natural ears!!! Took the tape off and they are staying perfect. I love him to tiny bits!!!
He knows how to sit, lay, paw, kiss from 9wks old!

After that, sold all my old rabbit stock and got new stock. Have had 3 litters born this week, 2 good first time moms, one not so much, 8, 8 and 7 kits. Have another doe due tomorrow, some on the 3rd and 5th, too.
Turned the coop into the rabbit house, insulated it and it has a heater for when kits are due. Chickens got a new coop on the other side of the run.

Made a cattle panel hoop house for hay storage and a mini one for the 3 goat wethers I got as a wedding gift from a buddy. They finally started using it!

Porker is free ranging now, he gathers grasses into his hut to sleep in. Have two of his piglets left, also free ranging, too small to lock up.

Everyone is getting along with everyone, goats eventually decided not to challenge the hot wire fence. We had a week old down pour, they went through the fence, getting shocked to hell, but they didn't care....ugh.

Having Thanksgiving at my place this year. My sister used to host it, but stopped 2yrs ago for no real reason. Mother still hosts Christmas.
Having smoked turkey, maybe some rabbit, honey ham and such. Bought our first dining set! And put up six 8ft ceiling shelves for storage, our 1929 farmhouse has zero storage...

Making a roughly 4ft spaced out cattle panel greenhouse. Three panels that are spaced will make a 28ft long, 6ft tall and 8ft wide greenhouse!
Put cardboard down today, will be gathering and dumping rabbit poop onto the cardboard all winter long. Then early spring, I'll add sand, peat moss and clean soil into that. :D They are crazy easy to put up and super cheap!

...I think that's all...

So, how is everyone else doing?! :D









Garden Master
Mar 21, 2012
Reaction score

Let's see, main news since you've been gone is I got a new to me perfect Subaru Outback awd, abs, and vdc. That's fancy for it drives on these miles of hard dirt canyon roads like the tires were dipped in rubber cement. Way past hugs the road. Glued to the road. That vdc thing means the suspension is all computerized.

Peeper and Clevland are doing great, getting fat, lol, and purring a lot, often trying to both be on my lap at the same time.

Had a pretty good bean harvest, all varieties except the blue/gold star.

taking immunosuppressant for my thyroid now.

Chatting along with Hayley who's still in Australia. She may be coming up in May :)

bj taylor

Garden Ornament
Feb 26, 2013
Reaction score
North Central Texas
I've been out awhile too. not as long as you secuono. I missed your posts. I like what you do w/all your critters.

i'm entering year two w/chickens, feeling like an old pro. I know i'll get knocked off my high horse any day now. especially if my two roosters have anything to say about it. they are trying to figure out if they can take me if they team up. the short squatty guy has no fear. he has no brains. he thinks he has to go after anything that moves. I keep telling him that jumping my german shepherd isn't the smartest thing he could do. he ignores me. he waits till sam has his back turned, then he runs to attack sam. at the last second sam hears him, and turns his head toward the rooster. the rooster comes to a screeching halt, turns the other direction and tries to make it look as if he was just minding his own business.
this squatty rooster like to come at me when I feeding. so far, i'm amused. I give him heck, run him around & back him up - but he's ready again the next time. I know his days are numbered, but it hasn't happened yet. now, if that giant rooster decides he wants to join the fray - i'm in trouble.

i'm six months into raising goats, does. had some tough times & I know I will again - but right now, things are perfect. they're the sweetest girls. I've got to sell half of them soon. the vegetable beds are put to bed except for the garlic. i'm waiting on my pole beans I got from bluejay 77 to finish. I had to pull them because of freezes & they weren't ready. i'm hoping they go ahead & cure ok.

your puppy sure is a beaut. love his feet & he has such a pretty head.

tell us more about porker!

so lucky

Garden Master
Mar 5, 2011
Reaction score
SE Missouri, Zone 6
Hey, Secuono, beautiful pup you chose. What did you name him?
Welcome back to the forum. Sounds like things are going good for you.


Garden Master
Nov 10, 2008
Reaction score
Welcome back! Always sad to lose an old friend... but so glad you have a new love! He is adorable. I loved my Doberman. You have surely been busy! Sounds like all good progress! I especially love your centerpiece on the dining room table!


Garden Master
Sep 1, 2009
Reaction score
WV, Zone 6B bunnies! :love

I am sorry for the loss of your dog. :( Your new pal is very cute. My furr-baby just turned 12 in October. She has had two surgeries for an aggressive skin cancer and we have been blessed that she has already lived past the life expectancy for that kind of cancer and is still feeling pretty good, other than just being older and having a little trouble with one hip. I don't know what I'll do without her when the time comes. I just make sure to give her extra love and treats now.

What kind of trees do you have planted there?


Garden Master
Jun 1, 2011
Reaction score
They are Mulberry whips from my old tree that was butchered up because it's under power lines. They came back to cut it again and now I have tons of perfectly straight, tree looking cuttings!
Going to stick as many as I can into the ground hoping they grow and then sell some. Smaller ones I'm feeding to the rabbits and others I'm giving out to locals.
Anyone want any? Can cut them shorter and ship them.

Dober got lymes, couldn't keep weight for over a year, then he had emergency exploratory surgery, destroyed the ligaments in a back leg during recovery, got sudden and bad arthritis because of the lymes and then he cut his paw to the bone. His other back leg was already bad from an old injury. He was getting better, but suddenly went down hill, drugs didn't help and he was just horribly depressed. Had to let him go.

One new doe was an awful mom, lost 3 that night and then 2 more since then. Split the remainder of the litter between the other two does who are doing wonderfully with their kits. Hoping no more are lost.

Have some pet and meat rabbits to sell, but no one is buying, some of them might end up dinner by next month. Did manage to sell one buck that I refused to let go as dinner, he was very friendly and loved being doted on.

Cats are ok, gave up my other cat some months ago. She started crossing the major road and an *ss ran down my guinea fowl, so it wasn't safe to keep her anymore. She goes stupid when locked in the house, so that wasn't a possibility. Other cat is a lazy house kitty, likes to find new sleeping spots and hope we don't notice






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