Bill HR 1599-Monsanto to close the door on labeling

valley ranch

Garden Master
Dec 22, 2014
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Sierra Nevada mountains, and Nevada high desert
Bill HR 1599 to be voted on this Thursday. July 23, 2015
TAKE ACTION: The DARK Act is a Very Dangerous Threat to Organic and our Right to Know
Written by Max Goldberg on June 18, 2015. Follow Max on Twitter.
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    As it stands now, 64 countries around the world require GMOs to be labeled — but the U.S. does not.

    Since the federal government refuses to change this policy, states have been taking matters into their own hands by either passing GMO-labeling laws (Vermont) or banning the cultivation of GMOs (Oregon, Hawaii).

    Needless to say, this trend isn’t sitting well with any of the big GMO and chemical companies.

    So, they have had U.S. Representative Mike Pompeo, a Republican from Kansas, introduce a very, very dangerous amendment to the “Safe and Accurate Food Labeling Act”, an act widely known as the “Deny Americans the Right-to-Know Act (DARK Act)” or the Monsanto Protection Act 2.0.

    This amendment would do the following:

    * preempt any state or county laws from regulating genetically-engineered crops in any way.

    In other words, states and counties would have absolutely no right to regulate GMOs in any way.

    Pompeo’s original DARK Act would:

    * Prevent states from adopting their own GE-labeling laws.

    * Block any attempt by states to make it illegal for food companies to put a “natural” label on products that contain genetically-engineered ingredients.

    * Prevent the Food and Drug Administration from requiring companies to label genetically-engineered ingredients and instead continue a failed “voluntary” labeling policy.

    So, what Rep. Pompeo has proposed is basically a free pass for all GMO companies to grow GMO crops with zero restrictions.

    For organic consumers, this is an absolute nightmare. Not only do GMO crops lead to an increase in pesticide use, but they contaminate organic crops and can put organic farmers out of business.


    If we want GMO-labeling in this country, we absolutely cannot let the DARK Act pass.

    So, please contact your elected representatives in Washington D.C. and demand that they reject the Safe and Accurate Food Labeling Act – HR 1599.

    You can do so by:

    1) Calling them directly.

    Click HERE to find your Senators.

    Click HERE to find your Representatives.

    2) Sign the Center for Food Safety e-petition, by clicking HERE.

    Thank you so much for taking action!!


    In case you were wondering……..

    1) Where does President Obama stand on all of this?

    Despite his 2007 campaign pledge to label GMOs (below), he has done nothing to fight for GMO-labeling since being in office.

    2) Where does 2016 presidential candidate Hillary Clinton stand on GMOs?

    Take a look at the video below where she recently spoke at the Biotechnology Industry Organization conference and enthusiastically endorsed GMOs (see minutes 28 to 32).

    When speaking about GMOs, she says that “there is a gap between what the facts are and what perceptions are.”

    Want to stay up-to-date on the most important news and products in the organic food world?

    If so, make sure you Like my Facebook page, follow me on Instagram and join my email list.

    To join my newsletter list, please enter your email below and I’ll send you my Top 5 Inexpensive Ways to Shop Organic.


Garden Master
Aug 22, 2012
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SW Washington
Once again we are bombarded with anti propaganda from anti everything groups. So once again ... fess up and tell us what anti group that you belong to and why you spread this propaganda ???


Garden Master
Jan 25, 2014
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I am really tired of seeing these too. I have kept quiet, but I'm sorry, I feel driven to say something. I am for GMO labeling, but I'm not for a gardening group being taken over and turned into a political mess. I don't like coming here anymore, and that's really sad.


Garden Addicted
Sep 22, 2009
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MN. Zone 4/5
I actually support the amendment. State by State laws will not work with this issue, complete nightmare for producers and consumers. People who do not trust science, government, whatever, already have a choice... buy organic. You want more organic, lobby the producers to provide more. If the market is there, you know the supply will follow.

More important, look at things from both sides.... Not just opinions and quotes from wackos or individuals who are out to sell a book, or pay for their $2 million dollar house, like Dr. Mercola. If it's on the 'net it must be true?

One big issue I have with labeling is the 'no GMO' label on foods or products that are not, and never have been, genetically modified foods. It is a deceptive and misleading tactic.

Europe rule - "All food products containing or consisting of GMOs, produced from GMOs or containing ingredients produced from GMOs must be labeled even if they no longer contain detectable traces of GMOs. The labeling requirement does not apply to foods containing GMOs in a proportion equal to or less than 0.9 percent of the food ingredients considered individually, provided their presence is adventitious or technically unavoidable.

.......must be labeled even if they no longer contain detectable traces of GMOs.

valley ranch

Garden Master
Dec 22, 2014
Reaction score
Sierra Nevada mountains, and Nevada high desert
HI AM, In this little corner: Random Ramblings we are, thank God, able to open our mouths.

This Bill HR 1599 being voted on tomorrow will forbid states from inacting lableing that you say you are in favor of.
You can google Bill HR 1599 to see what it is.

Please think about it, this great forum is one of the very few places, the only one I know of, where we can try to protect our plants the food we grow and is grown for our families.

Yes, you can not open a post if you don't like the title or subject, but I hope you would.

Thank you


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