

Garden Addicted
May 21, 2020
Reaction score
My dear friends. I saved my life.

Yes, the prep gives you chapped butt. Bleeding on the outside in bits and dabs from the TP. But they found 4 polyps. One was 10 mm long!! They were clipped off to send to the lab and tiny clamps added to stop any bleeding. Clamps are the size of this L.

The perfunctory, didn't look you in the eyes, monotone Dr Yeh at the original appt, was caring, gentle and friendly. Both times I met with him, before and after the procedure. Touched me on the shoulder. The anthsiestologist from Afganistan was pleasant. He left with he was in elementary school. It was a lovely country then, he said. I was out in seconds and dreamt about all sorts of stuff. Especially the puppies that were under the operating table I was on. I really wanted to lean down to reach one of them.

Was dying of thirst. They gave me a cup of water after they woke me up. Now eating today's harvested eggs, half a bagel and my beloved morning tea.

Get a colonoscopy everyone!!
I had mine done a very long time ago, it answered so my of my problems.

I'm really pleased everything went well for you and you had a considerate doctor 😀 😊

Country Homesteader

Deeply Rooted
Jan 11, 2023
Reaction score
Crewe, Virginia
Good Morning everyone! HAPPY SUPER SUNDAY!!!!
Coffee is hot and ready. There's even some fresh Cinnamon Rolls and Fudge Brownies (Thank the Amish for that). I just won't tell FH that I let my friends enjoy them seeing how he has a very BBBBIIIIGGGG sweet tooth and he knows he's not suppose to have lots of sweets but he loves them.
Right now the temp is 36 with fog but suppose to get up to 62 so once the temp gets above 40 I'll be outside working today.

Gardening with Rabbits

Garden Master
Oct 24, 2012
Reaction score
Northern Idaho - Zone 5B
When family was out in Colorado last summer, I had spaghetti with just sauce almost every night. I must have needed some vitamin C and carbohydrates.
DS talks about jalapeno peppers a lot and bought a jar of them that are mild and I told him he is showing signs of needing vitamin C. lol I used to start so many pepper plants that i wondered if I was needing vitamin C. Almost like I craved peppers.

Gardening with Rabbits

Garden Master
Oct 24, 2012
Reaction score
Northern Idaho - Zone 5B
I can understand the US pasta makers lobbying that their products should be considered "healthy."

Congress asked the food & drug people to come up with standards to regulate the use of the word a dozen years ago. Of course, they hit lobbied roadblocks.

No doubt, it's ridiculous for the candy makers to jump into the fray but cereal and pasta makers say that what people put with their products should be considered. (I guess that I'm gonna have to stop snacking on cold cereal outta the box ;).)

Pasta does make some sense and people often make healthy meals with it. We may never have an authoritative definition that can be put on labels. It's obvious that people need to think about health in what they are doing to themselves.

I've been using the handicapped parking spaces more recently ... oh boy! I know that food is a wonderful part of being alive but, honestly, it seems that whatever-is-at-hand may be a bigger part of some folk's disability.

I get updates from something called the Blue Zone and there was this man over 100 and looked like in his 70s and he ate pasta almost everyday for I think lunch with garlic and olive oil. I am not sure if whole wheat or some other special pasta, but I am trying to think of better things to eat and that just sounds healthy to me.

Gardening with Rabbits

Garden Master
Oct 24, 2012
Reaction score
Northern Idaho - Zone 5B
@digitS' .

I'd say the problem runs quite a bit deeper, down to a nearly fundamental level. Namely, a society that places maximizing personal pleasure as the end all be all goal in life. From birth, we are taught not only that "if it feels good, do it but "if it feels good, do more and more of it until it doesn't." Control and temperance have basically become dirty words, and frugality and asceticism is practically looked on as a mental illness. And with a value set like that, OF COURSE you are going to wind up with health problems aplenty. And once we get those problems and need to do something about them, we are so hardwired to demand endless pleasure that we spend most of our time trying to figure out ways to "cheat" and get away with it. And the whole food industry is right there to help us with that cheating by misleading and misrepresenting things in an effort to sell more of them.

We try and make half hearted attempts to teach children how to eat healthy and get regular exercise, but what we probably REALLY need is to instruct them in a moral philosophy that makes some things MORE important than personal pleasure and, indeed, casts personal pleasure as a BAD thing to be minimized and eliminated as much as possible in favor of things like ones duty to others to be of maximum usefulness. Children need to be taught that, not only are they they not the center of the universe, but, in the grand scheme of things, they don't really matter at all, and that the decisions they make should be based not on how much benefit it will be to them, but how much benefit it will be to others.
I have thought that all the old people are dead. When I was about 10 then old people were at least 80. I might have posted this here before what I think about old people. lol They are all gone.

Old people would be 130 or older now. People who were say 30 when I was 10 they were not old and they would be now in their 80s and the people in 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s and maybe 70s then just were different than the old people. The younger people were buying TV sets, women working, no gardens, no chickens, buying store bought food and not cooking real meals.

I know there will be people who say oh my mother did or I did, but these people were different. They moved slow. They were not in a hurry. They seemed to act like everybody was crazy. My street was not paved when I was that age and an old couple would come by now and then with a horse and buggy and dressed just like Little House on the Prairie and go to town. The women across the street were sisters and they had a huge garden, chickens, a million cats, an outhouse, an old wringer washer on the porch and hung their clothes on the line. You would see them out in that garden bent over going down the rows weeding and working hours a day. They did not change. They just went on doing the old ways.

We moved away, so I have no idea what happened to them, but they were very old out there working in a garden or maybe they just looked old from hard work. LOL A lot of the eating now is not just pleasure but easy food, just no time to cook a meal or think there is no time. All the modern conveniences have to be paid for, so people have to work longer hours and women have to work too and then you have all these things you have to clean and repair and replace and a bigger house to put them in and have 2 cars instead of 1.

I think though in the grand scheme of things children should be taught they matter and what they do matter and family first and then maybe they will be of benefit for the universe, but people thinking they do not matter or the universe matters more are not going to be much good to anybody. I don't think the answer is outhouses and wringer washing machines. Actually, I do not know the answer other than all the old people are gone. I just see people now that are considered old and might have been dressed as hippies and were listening to the Beatles while the old people had a garden and chickens, but the hippies now like to have gardens and chickens. LOL

I look in shopping carts of other people at the grocery store and I will hear them talking in another language and almost always you look and all the food you will have to cook from scratch. They will have big amounts of fresh vegetables and some fruit and cornmeal and flour and things needed to cook, but not frozen meals or boxes of cereal. I do see a lot of younger families with kids that have healthy food but I see a lot of others with the fast food and boxes of cereal and cookies and lots of pop.
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Gardening with Rabbits

Garden Master
Oct 24, 2012
Reaction score
Northern Idaho - Zone 5B
I cannot fathom tea that is so costly. I have more plebeian tastes.

Coffee is ready! Folgers, the coffee purists can snub my offerings. :lol: Pumpkin pie for breakfast!
DS and I drink Folgers. LOL DD just cannot stand it and tries all these different kinds. DS and I are happy with our Folgers. He just recently decided to drink tea when coming home from work and he has been making green tea for both of us and I told him I have oolong in the cabinet and it is good, but he decided to buy something at the store yesterday. I said what kind do you want and he said these on sale for $2.69 look the best. LOL He was thinking price and he picked something with orange, honey and chamomile tea. We could not drink it. It was horrible, so he is going to try the oolong later today.

so lucky

Garden Master
Mar 5, 2011
Reaction score
SE Missouri, Zone 6
I get updates from something called the Blue Zone and there was this man over 100 and looked like in his 70s and he ate pasta almost everyday for I think lunch with garlic and olive oil. I am not sure if whole wheat or some other special pasta, but I am trying to think of better things to eat and that just sounds healthy to me.
GWR, maybe he was using real olive oil and real garlic.

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