

Garden Addicted
May 21, 2020
Reaction score
Y'all ought to try having TEXAS plates and get stopped in another state. Cops always want to search my vehicle for drugs and guns. They always ask, sometimes I SOOOO want to be a smart a$$ and say YES! YES! I have a LOAD of guns and drugs!! But a tiny voice tells me that could be a bad idea......
Only you would so much as think of such a thing :D

Gardening with Rabbits

Garden Master
Oct 24, 2012
Reaction score
Northern Idaho - Zone 5B
Having my cup of coffee. I have the fire going and the cats taken care of and DS out the door on his way to work and I just checked the weather and it is 15. I am tired from going shopping with DD yesterday. I help her with the groceries and kids. She said she was on the way to pick me up yesterday and I hurried and got ready and ate my lunch really fast and she did not show up and I asked where are you and she was still in town at Wendy's and texted LOL forgot my bank card and driver's license and she had to go back home, so I waited longer and then she texted me LOL can't find my driver's license. She finally got here and we went to Grocery Outlet and I entertained the kids in the car and then we all went in Costco and then off to Walmart and she was going to drop by her house and get the girls their water bottles before taking me home, so she goes in and comes back with the water bottles and starts looking for the keys. I said you just had the keys and unlocked the door so the are not in the car. I said did you lock the keys in the house and of course she did, so she calls her husband who works around the corner from where they live and here he comes running and ran past us, up the steps and unlocked the door, and then ran by and gave her a kiss and said he was in the middle of a business phone call and ran on down the street back to work and I was laughing. She finally got me delivered home. DD has PREGNANCY BRAIN LOL. She is 13 weeks now and due in early Aug. Evelyn says the baby is a girl and I say boy because DD looks and acts different than she did with the girls, but either way will be fun.

DD wants a garden again, but I remember when she was pregnant with Evelyn and due in August and I bought her a bunch of annual flowers for her flower bed and she could not get down on the ground to plant and I ended up planting all of them. I helped her last year start her garden. We went and got compost and we had to park the car on the street and her yard from the street is UPHILL so we had 2 wheelbarrows and I would put dirt in one while she took the other up the hill and then to the backyard in the boxes and between filling wheelbarrows and herding kids back into the yard and away from the street I had my exercise and no way she will be able to do all that this year. I am hoping her husband will do that for her.

I keep looking out at my garden and I want to do something but ice is still in the backyard and the whole garden. Some ground is showing up around the house and I can walk some places without ice, so I have done nothing but gain about 5 pounds this winter and I am going to have a BUSY summer with helping DD with the girls and then a baby and gardening. I have an Etsy shop and sell a few things. I actually have got a star seller badge and I have Pinterest and I have had that for years and I have lots of boards and gardening things, but I started one for exercise lol. I have walking exercise and Zumba videos for seniors, so I am still typing and sitting here drinking my coffee thinking I need to start one of these exercise tapes and get some sewing done, but exhausted from yesterday and the house is still cold, so going to go get another cup of coffee. LOL


Garden Master
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
Trinity County Texas
It's sleeting, just started snowing. Going to be cold and miserable for the next week or so. Just what I DON'T need! Hey weather! I'm trying to move here!
I got most of my kitchen packed up yesterday, will finish that today. Still have lots of little stuff and tons of pictures. Pictures just don't seem to come in "box" sizes. I'm pushing to be out of here, but I have waaaaay too much stuff. No time to sort through it, just slam it in a box and worry about in the distant future when I move again into my new place, whenever and wherever that will be. This wonderful couple is coming in the morning to pack up everything we can, into their spacious cargo trailer and then on Saturday, go to Groveton and unload. Who does that? NOBODY! Closing has been moved up to February 8.

Y'all jump on THE CRAZY TRAIN and hang on!

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