Don't share lunch at school


Garden Master
Jun 21, 2008
Reaction score
I brought some hot peppers to church once. Teen boy said he would eat one if I would. He chewed and chewed on it, getting hot. I took mine bit it, chewed swallowed. His mom could have killed me. Then of course he started in on the water.......

Smart Red

Garden Master
Jan 10, 2012
Reaction score
South-est, central-est Wisconsin
I read that article to be a "teachable" moment. None of the students were tricked into biting a sample. I suspect, since the pepper was cut into small pieces, that it was more of a dare in good fun. Whether the other students tried the pepper bit or not, they all learned something that will stand them in good stead in the future.

If anyone should be punished, why not the students who were no better than junkies taking their chances with unknown drugs. Was it not the equivalent to taking LSD? They certainly could have passed on the tasting.

Once again the world of academia over reacts with a knee-jerk when a short discussion would have sufficed.


Garden Addicted
Mar 22, 2009
Reaction score
Cedar Hill MO
The drug dealer kid got what he deserved!!!
Just because your family has cast iron stomachs, doesn't mean everyone else does.
Later this summer when my Ghosts get ripe, I'll post on here and anyone that wants 1 to try I'll send them one and you can see exactly how BADD they are.



Garden Master
Sep 1, 2009
Reaction score
WV, Zone 6B
He was only broadening their culinary horizons... :hu

I've tried the Wendy's ghost pepper fries. They are not that hot anyway, total rip!


Garden Master
Jun 21, 2008
Reaction score
The drug dealer kid got what he deserved!!!
Just because your family has cast iron stomachs, doesn't mean everyone else does.
Later this summer when my Ghosts get ripe, I'll post on here and anyone that wants 1 to try I'll send them one and you can see exactly how BADD they are.

Really? Kids will be kids. If I understood article, they asked. IF they didn't know they were hot (they did) they know now. Life lesson that may save their life as it should teach them not to eat, smoke, drink, or put into their body what they shouldn't.


Garden Ornament
May 4, 2015
Reaction score
I have spent the last 41 years as a teacher, school counselor and now bus driver. The reason we keep reading of schools over-reacting to what kids do nowadays is because most school administrators, mainly public school administrators, live in fear of parents. Wasn't there a time in your life when someone dared you to eat some dirt? Ha, ha. This is just a variation on that theme.

Pull out soapbox: :old

IMHO, there are two major problems why our schools are in such decline today.
1. Lack of any kind of real, reasonable discipline. See #2.
2. We allow the parents run the schools.
a. Whoever yells the loudest, or the administration thinks will yell the loudest, gets their way.
b. Most administrators are very well trained and have an abundance of practical experience, but did you know, that in the majority of school districts in this country, you only need a HS education and residence in the district to be elected to the school board, and believe me the school board, many times the good ole boys and girls club, rules the roost when. Administrators today are afraid to make a move for fear of losing their jobs. most parents and school boards really don't have a clue how to really educate a child, but they call the shots whether you want to believe it or not. When is the last time you told your Doctor how to do his/her job, or your plumber, or your electrician, or etc, but we don't let the specialists run the school.

BTW...did you hear the Boy Scouts banned water pistols the other day....they are gateway guns! :lol:


Garden Master
Dec 1, 2010
Reaction score
North Idaho 48th parallel
I have spent the last 41 years as a teacher, school counselor and now bus driver. The reason we keep reading of schools over-reacting to what kids do nowadays is because most school administrators, mainly public school administrators, live in fear of parents. Wasn't there a time in your life when someone dared you to eat some dirt? Ha, ha. This is just a variation on that theme.

Pull out soapbox: :old

IMHO, there are two major problems why our schools are in such decline today.
1. Lack of any kind of real, reasonable discipline. See #2.
2. We allow the parents run the schools.
a. Whoever yells the loudest, or the administration thinks will yell the loudest, gets their way.
b. Most administrators are very well trained and have an abundance of practical experience, but did you know, that in the majority of school districts in this country, you only need a HS education and residence in the district to be elected to the school board, and believe me the school board, many times the good ole boys and girls club, rules the roost when. Administrators today are afraid to make a move for fear of losing their jobs. most parents and school boards really don't have a clue how to really educate a child, but they call the shots whether you want to believe it or not. When is the last time you told your Doctor how to do his/her job, or your plumber, or your electrician, or etc, but we don't let the specialists run the school.

BTW...did you hear the Boy Scouts banned water pistols the other day....they are gateway guns! :lol:

I think it's much deeper than that, but will just comment on one of your statements. And now I will offend all the members who are teachers or involved in government education.
I don't know if "parents run the schools" or not, because I haven't been involved in a govt. school since I last attended one as a student. But I will disagree with your statement that most parents don't know how to educate a child. What nonsense.

What we have is some parents that don't want to know how to educate their own child because why bother when their is a "free" system that will take over and keep their kids all day long. When the majority of a population is taught the same homogenized federally mandated curriculum for generations where do you suppose these ideas and attitudes come from?


Garden Ornament
May 4, 2015
Reaction score
@thislebloom, I understand what you are saying, and there is a degree of that, but it is not anywhere at the level you are stating.

All I can say is I have been there, done that, and have the TShirt, and I have been wearing it for 41 years.

I have worked in both public and private schools. The last school I worked in before I retired was a private Catholic school in the South Bronx. The population was mostly black and hispanic from one or no parent families (Grandma raised). While the school was strict, it was far from harsh. The faculty, staff and students worked well together. But, it was made clear from Day 1 that the school was in charge. If a parent disagreed with how things were done, what was taught, how it was taught, how discipline was conducted, etc., they would have a choice, they could either go with the school's decision or let the school know where they wanted their child's school records sent.

There was tuition, but the school subsidized over 1/2 of the students, some attended almost free. The teachers' salaries were about 1/2 to 2/3's of their public school counterparts. We didn't have a regulation gym, any sports fields (we used the public fields), and we averaged about 40-45 kids per class. The school was built for 500. We had 650 students. We had two honors classes, 2-3 middle classes, and 2 educationally challenged classes in each grade when I was there. Each year we lost some students to discipline problems and academic failures, but these losses came after exhausting various methods of working with each of these students.

Almost every year I was there (7 years), the school was named as one of the 50 top high schools in the country. Every year I was there, the graduation rate was 100% and the college acceptance rate was 100%. There was a minimum of 2 hours of homework a night, and there were many academic, social and athletic programs. The standardized testing was consistently one of the highest in the City.

What makes this school so good is the people who run it and work there know what they are doing and they call the shots...not a school board and not the parents. Parent input is welcome, but the administration always has the final word. Parents are required to be involved whether they really want to or not, at least at a minimal level.

Now, juxtapose this with two public schools systems I worked in where, granted, not all the faculty and staff were as dedicated as this other school, but where I worked with some of the finest and most dedicated administrators, teachers and staff I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. The toughest challenge we met there was structure, order and discipline in trying to maintain an environment conducive to learning.

It's not that we weren't trying, it's just that professional decisions made by the administration and staff were very often subject to scrutiny or overridden by a school board, most of whom had no educational background whatsoever, or by pressure from parents who would complain to the school board. We were given the responsibility to educate these children, but our hands were very often tied if our decisions and methods were not "agreed" with by those who are not professional educators.

BTW...I don't care who is mandating the curriculum, because there is so much leeway in what and how you teach and where you can go with it. The most destructive force in our schools today is not lazy parents, is not Common Core, is not lack of funds; it is the erosion of order, structure and discipline. That, my friend, is the US Public School System.

I am not trying to convince anyone of my point of view. I am just relating my experience and the experiences of many I have worked with over the years.

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