First World Problem


Garden Master
Dec 13, 2007
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border, ID/WA(!)
Combining 2 real life situations (with a little virtuality, tossed in) - - I was asked today if I knew what happened to a service company that re-potted house plants. "What has happened to those people!" It would seem that "arrangements had been made" to request the service immediately but now, the contact information appears to be obsolete!

I thought, what "arrangements" could have been made if the people who would do the actual work had not even been contacted . . !?

Perhaps, the housekeeper had been scheduled for 7 days that week instead of 6, anticipating extra cleaning work?

Perhaps, girlfriends had been scheduled for a get-together at "the club" which requires a tedious drive on the interstate and Felicity would insist they go just so she could complain about it?

Perhaps, the "Ditch New Years Resolutions Day Party" may now be ruined if the smell of fresh potting soil is still lingering in the house because of some delay!

The question couldn't have been asked, in kind of a backhanded way, to find out if I (we) knew someone to do the job. I (we) are many, many miles away from the very posh neighborhood and literally know only one family who lives there!

It all reminded me of this page: First World Problems which I laughed and laughed over the other day! I was nearly hoarse by the time DD stopped by! She is probably much closer to the age of 99% of the people who contributed ideas for the pages but, there's no reason why an olde guy can't find some humor in these sorts of things :D.

I mean, I had to walk to school thru waist-deep snow every winter day when I was a kid, and it was uphill both way. Theeese dayzz . . .

Steve ;)


Garden Addicted
Apr 28, 2010
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Palm Desert CA
I didn't mind wading uphill through the snow so much as beting of all those wolves with my lunch box.


Garden Master
Dec 13, 2007
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border, ID/WA(!)
Oh, that was something we had "the help" do for us, Hoodie.

I have lived an unsophisticated life. There's really no question about it. I realized not all that long ago that my sense of "interior design" is based not on the homes that I've lived in or visited but on the waiting rooms of doctor's offices. Isn't that pathetic? Home as a kid was this farm house with hardwood floors and linoleum in a HUGE kitchen. The house had been built before indoor toilets and the main one had been placed in what was probably a large linen closet.

In the center of the house and where we gathered was the wood stove. It really was, hearth and home. But no, it didn't snow much in southern Oregon. On school mornings, I'd walk a mile and that was just to get to the bus stop :)! Often, I'd ride my bike and leave it at the home of the neighbor whose property ran along our west fence line.

The farm wasn't really that far out in the country, it was just at the end of the road . . . until the county decided to put the road thru . . . and all the farm buildings (including the house) were in direct line of the bulldozers :/.

By spending so much time in them, I have learned that those doctor's offices have aquarium and even plant care service. So . . . home owners actually hire those people to take care of their house plants, too?

Steve :rolleyes:


Garden Master
Dec 1, 2010
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North Idaho 48th parallel
Those first world problems were funny, but scary!
Lets hope we can laugh at ourselves, and be really, really grateful for the things that are significant and irreplaceable.

Having spent a large part of my life as the "help", housekeeper, stablehand/ girl friday, gardener, and finally graduating to owning my own gardening business (still the help :p ) I have seen folks hire other folks to do some pretty funny things for them. Nice folks all, but they were all a little clueless in the self help category. I guess that's good for "service providers"!


Garden Addicted
May 30, 2011
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Whitefish, MT
Yeah...i've had a real "eye opener" the past 10 years...since i moved from rural PA where NO ONE had any money, to rich, posh, Montana resort town where it seems EVERYONE is wealthy. (with a stop in jackson hole, wyoming. Don't even GET me started on that town!) i am flabergasted by the amount of work around here for garden companies. And, when i worked for one, by the weird things people have you do for them!! Seriously, you cant pour water once weekly into your 5 potted house plants??

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