How you keeping yourself busy?


Garden Master
Oct 15, 2017
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
with these rainy days i'm spending time learning some new things with some programs and programming languages. i sure wish i could pick this up as easy as i used to do but in the older days i didn't have as many interruptions and distractions.

first though i need to get some pictures edited and uploaded and finish up my test of the website stuff that uses the more recent version so i can delete that copy i'm playing with. heh. distractions... Mom asks me if i want food. interruptions... :) i need a drink of water... :) oh look a new bean... :) :) :)


Garden Master
Oct 15, 2017
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
Reminds my of my high school AP Physics teacher. At the time I HATED him for

1. Being PROUD he made the tests so hard even the best student could JUST pass (and I don't mean "the best student in my class, I mean the best student period, he would set up the tests so that someone who had studied everything he had taught and everything in the textbook could get a 65%, max.

i kicked butt in both high school chemistry and physics and the teacher also made his tests hard so that it was very unusual for anyone to get over 75%. multiple-multiple choice questions where the answers included common mistakes. you had to be both quick and thorough.

one of my brags was that i beat the valedictorian of our class on both tests by a few percentage points and bumped up the all time records.

the teacher was a really good guy and i never was able to find out happened to him after i went away to college. i rarely visited the hometown and didn't keep up with the class parties and stuff like that. i was just so glad to be gone from there when i got away.

** I did get my comeuppance however. The Following year was AP Biology, which I excelled at. As the highest graded AP biology student (well the highest going into a scientific career) I won the scientific scholar award, which as head of the science department, HE had to present to me.

haha! sweet! :)