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valley ranch

Garden Master
Dec 22, 2014
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Sierra Nevada mountains, and Nevada high desert
Listen girls ~ When daughter has her flowers ~ she get such back pain that she has to come home from work ~ I was told couple years back: Not to ask you ~ but if you know of anything that will relieve this terrible pain please let me know ~ she has a heating pad on now '''

It's OK my asking isn't it ```


Garden Master
Oct 15, 2017
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mid-Michigan, USoA
every sane human cares about those around them in pain and would want to help in any way they can. i gave backrubs and chocolate and sometimes sex was what they wanted. the big O could help relax them so they could sleep or feel better.


Garden Master
Mar 20, 2011
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Trinity County Texas
I don't think that what he has in mind for his daughter.

Yes it is perfectly ok to ask. I was blessed in that it never slowed me down, much less stop me. Others are not so lucky. I know Lemon Balm tea is a sedative, it relaxes and helps you go to sleep.

I use Arnicare in pill and rub on cream or a gel for pain. I have a bum knee that the cartilage is gone, it gives me a great deal of pain. I take the remedies (pills) under the tongue and rub the cream on my knee. It is good for sore muscles and leg cramps too. The pain will stay away for
about 4 hours. I have even given Arnicare to my dogs for pain when they got bitten by copperhead snakes. I love this stuff.

I looked up some other herbal remedies for you.

Where to buy cramp bark tincture, plus you can read the reviews, this stuff seems to really work!

A hot cup of Fresh grated ginger (available at grocery store) tea would also be soothing.

My husband uses Theraworx for leg and muscle cramps. He gets charley horse cramps that strike suddenly and are very painful. They are usually caused by depleted magnesium and potassium. So she might up her mineral intake with special attention to these two minerals. Theraworx is available at drug stores.

She may also have endometriosis. Endometriosis is the development of uterine-lining tissue outside the uterus. Symptoms may include abdominal pain, heavy periods, and infertility. Treatment options include pain relievers, hormones, and surgery.
Try the herbal remedies first to see if they bring any relief. If not, she should see a doctor for a pelvic exam.


Garden Master
Oct 15, 2017
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
I don't think that what he has in mind for his daughter.

Yes it is perfectly ok to ask. I was blessed in that it never slowed me down, much less stop me. Others are not so lucky. I know Lemon Balm tea is a sedative, it relaxes and helps you go to sleep.

I use Arnicare in pill and rub on cream or a gel for pain. I have a bum knee that the cartilage is gone, it gives me a great deal of pain. I take the remedies (pills) under the tongue and rub the cream on my knee. It is good for sore muscles and leg cramps too. The pain will stay away for
about 4 hours. I have even given Arnicare to my dogs for pain when they got bitten by copperhead snakes. I love this stuff.

I looked up some other herbal remedies for you.

Where to buy cramp bark tincture, plus you can read the reviews, this stuff seems to really work!

A hot cup of Fresh grated ginger (available at grocery store) tea would also be soothing.

My husband uses Theraworx for leg and muscle cramps. He gets charley horse cramps that strike suddenly and are very painful. They are usually caused by depleted magnesium and potassium. So she might up her mineral intake with special attention to these two minerals. Theraworx is available at drug stores.

She may also have endometriosis. Endometriosis is the development of uterine-lining tissue outside the uterus. Symptoms may include abdominal pain, heavy periods, and infertility. Treatment options include pain relievers, hormones, and surgery.
Try the herbal remedies first to see if they bring any relief. If not, she should see a doctor for a pelvic exam.

uh, i didn't mean it that way, just providing what i knew helped. up to him and her to decide what to do with the information. was not implying incest or other tomfoolery. i believe in being an adult about things though. i don't have problems talking about such things with anyone if they ask. i try to keep my responses age appropriate and within bounds of what i know to be the audience. given many past comments i'm assuming mostly adults here with children somewhat supervised.

my comments in person are much more restrained. i'm pretty shy about most things until i know someone at least a little. i don't get too personal or overly into a person's history or family unless they seem to welcome such.

i'm also the person on the plane or bus that the elderly tend to sit next to and then tell me their life story. i wish i could have written them down...

anyways, back to the topic, i was also thinking potential endometriosis as that has been a problem for some women i've known, but i didn't think i had any real standing to say much since it wasn't a direct experience i'd had with any of my partners.

sorry to have potentially offended Richard, i usually mean most of what i write here as fairly light hearted and more often than not if you don't catch the humor it's pointed at myself... <---

the stuff i get mad about is abusing animals and the environment - i'm sure i have a sense of humor about that too to be found at times, but it is a struggle.

peace and i sure hope she feels better soon. :)


Garden Master
Oct 15, 2017
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
If I can't pick at you, it just ain't any fun. No offense taken on my end, just had to give you a hard time. LOL

ok, great to hear about you, but i'm hoping more for the sake of VR to not have offended seriously, as KVJ wrote sometimes an asterisk can just mean a$$hole and at times i get too far that way before i notice and drag it back to reasonable.


Garden Master
Aug 22, 2012
Reaction score
SW Washington
Another ointment that has been used by the Aboriginees in Australia from the Dream time to today is Emu oil.

so lucky

Garden Master
Mar 5, 2011
Reaction score
SE Missouri, Zone 6
I was going to suggest birth control pills, too.
And, my sis, who is a nurse, told me long ago to start taking a couple advil a couple days before the backaches start. The pain is from muscles spasming, and taking the painkiller early creates a protective effect.

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