Limiting Calories - effective/ineffective


Garden Master
Dec 13, 2007
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border, ID/WA(!)
@Larisa , I had to look up two words!!

"Anabiosis" does have something to do with hibernation. A state of suspended animation ...

"Pis aller" is a workaround, a less than optimal solution ... well, I would lose weight on a pickle diet! Likely have a sore stomach, around the clock. Yes, I want to have my cake and eat it, too! But, I need to find a way to be lythe and sprightly ... or, ambulatory, at minimum.

Steve :)


Garden Master
Apr 18, 2014
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Lower Hudson Valley, New York
Gain weight in winter - good or bad? And how to make the right decision?
This is very important, of course!
It is necessary to understand!

Everyone has three brain systems.
1. reptilian brain (R - complex). It is the oldest (100 million years). The instinct and survival.
He says, to defend their territory, reproduce or dominant, run to hide.
And also: Winter is coming. Cold! Eat more! It is necessary to grow a layer of fat for future use. In order not to freeze. What if the food is not enough? It is necessary to make the stock.

2. limbic brain - emotions. (50 million years). He's trying to keep us in the "comfort zone". It makes a lot of interesting things. But we're talking about food.
"Are not you hungry? Eat another piece of the cake - and you will have happiness "! (Sneaky saboteur!) Limbic brain does not know the "shades of gray". Yes - no, good - bad. This is his main vocabulary. Good friends with the reptilian brain.

3. The neocortex - rational thinking. (1.5 - 2.5 million years).
It was he who can say, "Do not eat, look at yourself in the mirror! How do you look like? Find a diet! Do you want to eat? Close the fridge and go to bed! "

The poor man sits and wants to eat . But three voices sound in his head.
"Eat or die."
"Eat more»
"Eat less"

Well, something in common still is - the word "eat".
Well, the neocortex also agree that the winter cold and your appetite increases. A reduced appetite spring. Seasonal fluctuation of weight - is the norm. The main thing that the limbic brain is did not send a knowing of limits in the complete knockout. A reptilian brain needs to fall in winter anabiosis.

Personally, I will not argue with brains. I'll find a consensus. If I have a fat ass in the winter, I call it a "strategic reserve". And in spring is easy to get rid of him in my garden.

That's great if you have a halfway rational brain. I don't. As far as my neocortex is concerned, there can be no concordance with the other two, they must be DESTROYED, completely and utterly. It doesn't say "eat less" it says "eat NOTHING, ever! No matter how much weight you lose, it is not, and never can be enough. There is only one correct weight and blood sugar number a person can have and that is ZERO. Screw you limbic, you are not SUPPOSED to ever be happy or comfortable, the goal in life is to be in as much pain and misery as possible. Starving to death (literally, not figuratively) is the GOAL, the the confirmation that you realized how utterly worthless you were and finally did the correct thing and tortured yourself until you dropped dead and made the world a better place by your lack of existence." So I am forever in a war between the first two (who function is as you say) and the top, whose goal is to literally kill me (this is one of many issues my therapist is trying to help me deal with, finding some middle ground.)
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Smart Red

Garden Master
Jan 10, 2012
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South-est, central-est Wisconsin
Ah, but for me there was a fourth brain/voice...that of Spouse telling me I needed to eat...needed that daily donut and ice cream cone so he didn't have to eat alone. This voice didn't recognize the seasons. A meal was meat and potatoes and something for dessert, whatever the time of year.

It was not all Spouse, of course. I eat when I feel sick. I eat when stressed. I eat when I am depressed. And then happy times are eating to celebrate. Still, once Spouse stopped the pressure to eat, not over-eating became an easier thing. Then, no Spouse, no schedule, little desire to eat. I see that will change with the Grands needing a good meal as a family in the evening, but the earlier day isn't a problem anymore except trying to decide what to eat when nothing sounds at all appealing.

Then, too, there is that voice -- a close relative of the one Pulsegleaner knows well -- that insists no matter how much weight is lost it will never be enough for that perfect weight. I would need to be anorexic and nearing death's door to fit into what is considered 'normal' woman's best I am destined to
the larger size in ladies clothing long after I leave woman's and plus sizes behind.

I guess it is good I do this for a healthier life rather than for a zero dress size. Hum-m-m-m-m, I need a big glass of water.


Garden Master
Dec 13, 2007
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border, ID/WA(!)
I am forever in a war

that perfect weight.

I would rather not think of foods as weapons. Nor, am I striving for a perfect weight as determined by the fashion industry, perhaps. I want to enjoy food and be healthy.

Being overweight will limit my activities and tax my body with its normal maintenance functions. Overburdened organs and inactivity will mean an increased risk of ill health.

More of one thing is likely to mean less of another. We have only so much capacity. A diet of 20 different kinds of lettuce and nothing else will lead to starvation. You may enjoy lettuce but there is insufficient calories in it at the levels we can consume it ... or any other food.

I have used food as a crutch. I also treat myself too much. Of course, given the choices available - it's easy! There are times in my life when I felt physically taxed. It happens every year and later in the year, I move into a sedentary, winter lifestyle. My appetite increased with summer activities. Now, it needs to decrease but there is that lag ... probably, about a 3 month lag! I suspect that about Groundhog's Day (that's February 2, @Larisa ;)) My appetite decreases. I'm despairing and motivated by then because of weight gain but getting consumption back in control is probably easiest then than at any other time. The winter gain is already behind me. And, around my middle ... and limiting my movement ... and, soon to make my springtime activities much . more difficult!

How do I handle this in a smarter way and not make life more difficult, more burdensome?

Weight gain has been a fairly steady phenomenon and, probably, averaged about 5#/year at various times. Well, I've lived several decades. Imagine if I'd continued gaining 50#/decade! I'd be right at 500# more than what I weighed at high school graduation!!! That tiny yearly gain would have had tremendous consequences!

One way I stopped gaining an additional 5# each year was to eat MORE. I eat more fruits and vegetables. No, not really more lettuce. But look, we can talk about appetite and attitude. However,
  • a pound of Apples has just over 200 calories.
  • a pound of Apple Jacks Cereal has over 1,700 calories!
Even if this isn't the "whole nine yards," these calorie numbers are not null points ... to mix my metaphors ;).



Garden Master
Oct 2, 2010
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White Plains NY,weekends Lagrange NY.
As a kid I loved Apple Jacks. When I was weighed in ER at 52 years old, I was 127 pounds heavier then when I was 22 years old. Because I never sprinkled salt on my food I believed I had a low sodium diet. Then I started reading labels WOW that was a eyeopener.


Garden Master
Dec 13, 2007
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border, ID/WA(!)
@Nyboy , you averaged that 5#/year weight gain.

I stopped that and have maintained about the same summer/winter weight. I just focused as best I could on more fruits and vegetables especially through the winter. Well ... it certainly hasn't been the "best" I can do!

Adults eat about 2# of food each day. Sure, I would be malnourished if I ate only apples. But, 2# of apples are only 400 calories. Hunger would take over after burning some fat and maybe I could get that up to 3#/day! Still, I'm falling far short of the 2,000 "maintenance" calories someone like me uses.

I'd be starving! Here in the greatest apple growing region in the US! Suffering Succotash!

There I go :). Succotash!

Do I want sage in there? No tomatoes? Okay, but the corn and beans - yeah! Could I have a chicken breast on the side? Maybe with BBQ sauce?

:) Steve


Garden Master
Nov 16, 2011
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Southeast VA
My sister and I are starting a plan together. I've tried it before and had good results.. but got lazy.
The idea is to eat more - but to only eat REAL food. SO... not limiting calories but trying to only consume 'calories' that provide nutrients.
(by the way... there are some who deny the existence of calories as we tend to think about them)


Garden Master
Dec 13, 2007
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border, ID/WA(!)
I bet that's true, about denying the importance of calories.

After all, it is possible to measure the calories in sawdust. I wonder what the nutritionists do about useable calories in substances one can digest.

Animal nutritionists do the measuring with feed. I imagine that we are not being told about calories in fiber ... then, there are differences in how individuals and age groups do with digestion. I don't want to get too far into the weeds ;). The temptation is to throw the hands up and say, "it's too complicated! Too difficult!"

Eating without care isn't really more fun. It may be less bothersome. Like unbothered me, still in my bathrobe after being up for 4 hours ;) ... but, I'm enjoying my apple and Asian pear slices, and, New this Week, persimmons! ... aaannd a cup of coffee :).



Deeply Rooted
Jan 9, 2016
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I had to look up two words!!
Sorry, Steve.
These words are often used in Russia and the "clever idea" that in another country is not so passed me.
Cryostasis (Anabiosis) - long dream of slowing. For example, in the winter cold. Bears and hedgehogs can not live and eat. They make warm shelter in the woods and sleep until spring. This Anabiosis.
"Pis aller" - It is when there is no other way, a last resort. (Of course, milk and cucumber can not eat together. Otherwise, for a long time, you generally can not eat anything. The weight will drop, but not quite a pleasant way).

Your way - is to "negotiate" with the reptilian brain. It was he subjected to programming.
Then limbic brain. I think you should create a link between food and pleasure in your case.
And only then - the neocortex. Good dialogue with neocortex - irony. Do not take seriously what he says. For example, my son was in the junior class had an authoritarian teacher, whom he feared. She was a strong teacher, but she shouted loudly at the children. My son was afraid and it hurt him. Then I gave him advice. When she cries - have to mentally put the trashcan on her head and imagine how the trash falls from her head. Perhaps nepedagogichno. But he did it. She screamed, and he was funny, not scary.
I would advise you to read something about the neuro - linguistic programming.
But it is not "fashionable author", but scientific work specialist. It really works.
So I am forever in a war between the first two
- It is forbidden phrase! Taboo!
The word "forever" be replaced by "temporarily". Your therapist - a good specialist, I hope?

I guess it is good I do this for a healthier life rather
You are absolutely right.:)

Winter in Russia, except for the cold, arranges another "ambush." This New Year's holidays. Almost a week holidays. All go to each other's homes. And cook the most delicious food, of course. This week may provide an increase in weight. If I do not eat good food, I get in a bad mood because of it, but I'll get good mood due to the lack of weight gain. If I eat good food, I get in a bad mood because of the weight gain, but I'll get good mood for a delicious meal.

So I do not count calories. I eat delicious food all the holidays, and then I change my eating regime. I get two breakfasts.
1. tea and a sandwich.
2. Coffee and something nutritious, such as a pie from cottage cheese with bananas.
Lunch - soup or meat with vegetables + salad.
Dinner - (up to 4-5 hours before to sleep onset). Almost nothing. Tea with cookies or yogurt.
Fruits - during the day. Also, coffee with cinnamon. Alcohol = 0, even on holidays.
Diets I do not use. Besides, I can create the link between hunger and easy pleasure.
Weight is reduced very effectively and without pain. But I do not know if I can be an example. Maybe it's just genetics.
My parents are not overweight, too.