

May 12, 2010
Reaction score
Central, Minnesota

I am in Pierz. I haven't planted my veggies yet because I was very leery about the early warm days.... I am glad I waited! Though taking them in and out of the house everyday gets very old. I do hope to get planting this weekend, that is if my hubby can till the garden again but with fishing opener it will more than likely be early next week. My strawberries and other fruit plants seem to be doing fine. I don't have many flowers but the ones I do have are ok.

What about yours?


Attractive To Bees
Jan 29, 2010
Reaction score
Zone 4a, Minnesota
The new Cavendish strawberries I got earlier (from Ebay, of all places!) are really doing well, they love this icky, grey, wet weather -- lots of leaves! The strawberries that have already flowered (thank you, lovely April) and were growing berries -- I have All-Stars, Quinalt, Honeoye and Ozark Beauty varieties -- have just settled in and are waiting for warm weather to come back to finish the berry-growing process! Research online indicates that we'll have more flavorful berries because of this cold snap, I guess we'll see!

Our apple tree appears to be hanging in, and the raspberries are also just waiting for sun to come back.

Of my herbs, I haven't even gone and bought the cilantro yet (there's no point, really), the sage is lovin' life (even has flowers) the chives are ok, the young dill continues to grow, but I haven't got any germination of the chamomile or dill that *I* planted this year. Nuts. The rosemary is hanging in there along with the lavender, and the basil is dead. Luckily I have more basil under lights in the basement!

Of veggies, I haven't seen any hint of carrots, beets, or lettuce (which I sowed a full 14 days ago!), my tomatoes *were* doing well until some yutz stole their plastic milk-jug coverings, and now they're dying slowly -- thank goodness I have my young heirlooms (and all my peppers) under lights in the basement! The Early Girl, Bonnie Original and Mr. Stripey *may* recover if they can get through the next 48 hours, but it's very touch and go right now -- I really don't expect them to survive.

The radishes are producing their first true leaves, despite the weather, I hope to thin them this weekend.

My lilac is sulking and my peony is hanging in, no growth, but not dying either. I can't wait to see some sun, and most of my garden is right there with me!



Leafing Out
May 12, 2010
Reaction score
West-Central Minnesota, 4a
Hi, Karrie13 and Whitewater.

Things held up through our frost snap here surprisingly well. I was a bit worried because I was out of town until that next morning and was unable to cover anything.

I've got garlic, onion and spinach up. The potatoes haven't broke through the soil yet. Strawberry plants had been planted just a couple days before. Everything is growing like nothing frosted. I've even got a heavy blooming on my Northwest Greening apple tree. I lost my other apple in a storm last year, so hopefully the bees do some traveling from the neighbors' trees.

One nice thing about this cool weather is the extended tulip season. Its been blowing me away at how long the tulips have been lasting!

My lilacs have just started to bloom, and this weather has them taking their time. That's alright. Its been too yucky to be out to enjoy the fragrance anyway.

Next week I plan on planting my tomatoes, cukes and the first of my peas. I'll add more onion, spinach and potatoes, too.

This year I'm growing 3 heirloom tomatoes. 2 beef type and a roma. One of the breed type is advertised to get 1lb fruits and the other 2lb fruits. This year calls for some extra sturdy supports. It should be an adventure!

Another fun thing I got is a Polish cuke. I have no idea if it will be good or not. I was plant shopping with my mom and saw it. We have Polish in the family (and a good sense of humor), so there was no passing it up.

One other plant I got this year that brings back childhood memories is ground cherries. Seems people either love them or hate them. I'm excited.

I'm looking to try a new rhubarb or 2. Have any of you tried Victoria? Its supposed to be naturally sweet and quite flavorful. I'm wondering if their rating of sweet is sweet on its own or sweet compared to other rhubarb.

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